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Committed (Betrothed 4)

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Hades never looked sexier than he did right now. Lying back with our baby on his chest, his arms wrapped around Andrew’s legs so he wouldn’t move. He was a protector, a father, but he didn’t have a dad bod at all.

I wanted to cry because I wished this was my life.

I wished we were married again and watching TV on the couch was something we did every night.

I slipped off my pumps and pulled my legs closer to my body as I stared at the two of them.

Hades didn’t make a move to sleep with me; he didn’t ask me any more questions about the guy I was supposedly seeing. Now that he’d gotten me to stay, he didn’t chase me anymore. I wasn’t sure what would happen next, if he would ask me to leave once Andrew was asleep.

But I could just go to my “boyfriend’s” house then…

Thirty minutes later, Andrew couldn’t keep his eyes open. He was so fascinated by the show that he wanted to keep fighting his fatigue, but he was just a little baby so the fight didn’t last long. His eyes finally closed and stayed closed.

I stared at him for a long time, so happy he was in my life. He was an unplanned surprise, but when he got here, he just fit. He brought me more joy than anything else ever had. “He’s so cute…”

Hades looked down so he could see our son’s face. “He always tries to stay up late like his dad, but he never wins.”

I wanted to pull out my phone and take a picture of the two of them, but I thought that would ruin the moment.

Hades placed his hand over Andrew’s stomach and held him in place while his other arm moved over the back of the couch. He turned his gaze on me and stared at me for a while. He didn’t have a stern expression anymore. Now, it was slightly soft, his lips relaxed and his eyes warm.

I felt like I was back in time.

“I should put him to bed.” He rose to his feet and carried our son with one arm.

“Does he sleep with you?” I slipped on my heels and followed him.

“No. He has a crib in the other room.”

I always had Andrew sleep with me, so I was surprised he didn’t scream when he was left alone.

We entered the room next door, which was painted gray and blue. There was a crib in the middle of the room, along with a changing table and other supplies. Whales were painted on the wall.

Hades gently set him in the crib where his stuffed animals were tucked in each corner. Hades quickly swaddled Andrew, keeping him safe in a cocoon. Hades straightened and gripped the rail as he looked down at our son.

“This room is so nice.” I hadn’t expected Hades to do something so thoughtful. I assumed he would just have Andrew stay with him during his short visits. If I were living here, we would’ve designed this room together. It wasn’t what I would have done myself, but I wouldn’t change anything in any way.

Hades turned toward me while he continued to grip the crib. “All Helena.”

I nodded. “I figured.” I came to the edge of the crib and looked at Andrew, who was the most handsome baby in the world. “I regret a lot of things…”

Hades turned his head toward me.

“But I don’t regret anything that led me to him.” My heart immediately slowed with peace as I looked at the little boy without a care in the world. “Even if we marry other people and have other children, I still wouldn’t change anything. He’s the single most important thing in my life. I wasn’t ready to have children, but when Andrew arrived…I was ready.”

Hades’s hands loosened on the rails, and he rested his elbows on the surface instead. His thoughts were a mystery as we stood together in the dark room, only Andrew’s night-light for illumination. Hades’s warm expression reminded me of the man he used to be, the man who wasn’t afraid to wear his heart on his sleeve. He’d disappeared overnight…but there were still pieces that remained behind. “You’re a great mother.”

I couldn’t stop the smile from spreading across my lips. “Thank you. You’re a good father.”

He continued to stare at me, his gaze growing more intense by the second. He pivoted his body toward me slightly so our faces directly faced each other. He towered over me, his chest stronger than the Great Wall.

I could feel the tingle in my fingertips, feel the vibrations of my pulse under my skin. My breathing changed because I knew what would happen before it happened. That magic was still here…that inexplicable attraction that constantly brought us close together. I could feel that special quality the night we met, and the sensation only grew as the years passed. A divorce and a series of mistakes couldn’t diminish what we felt for each other. I thought I’d have to try harder to demand his attention, but once the conditions were right, it just happened.

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