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White Rabbit – War & Peace

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I crush my lips to hers, no longer able to watch the plump pink pillows puckering and pouting without knowing what they feel like against my own. Her surprise is evident in the way she gasps, unknowingly inviting me in with that simple movement. I groan into her mouth as my tongue knocks down the fucking door and dances with hers. At first she’s hesitant, and then she lashes hers against mine. Angrily. Punishing. Domineering.

With a smile tugging at my lips, I take back control with a hard grip to her ass. It’s firm but a handful in my grip. I pull her cheek up, spreading her apart before releasing her and slapping the spandex covered flesh. She squeaks against my lips and then shrieks when I give her a firm shove onto the bed. On my black comforter, she’s a vision in white. A treat I never allowed myself to have. Something good and perfect and whole. The one thing that kept me human—the one promise I made to myself.

Don’t destroy Hope.

But I didn’t realize, she was so…


Her navy eyes darken as she licks her lips. “Why were you so cruel to me, Land? Answer me.”

I yank off my shirt, my dick thumping when her eyes flash in appreciation. I’ve been with plenty of girls. Mindless fucking twats. Not since I laid eyes on Hope Eastland has another girl even remotely captured my interest. She’s a beautiful white moth fluttering all around and I’m the inferno from hell.

I. Will. Burn. Her.

And I didn’t fucking want to.

She was the one thing I wanted—the one thing I could have if only I stayed the fuck away from her. Because if I stayed away, she remained just as she was. Untouchable. Preserved. Beautiful. Timeless.

Not now.

Now she flutters into my flame. I can practically see her burning around the edges. Being consumed by the darkness that lives inside me. Darkness I try to keep at bay, but now it runs rampant, desperate for a dip in her light.

“What have you done?” I accuse as I prowl onto the bed, aching to touch her velvet sweetness once more.


“You did this. You, Hope.”

Her mouth that is red and splotchy now from my abusing kiss quirks into a grin that makes my dick strain in my pants. “I didn’t do anything.”

“You were you,” I growl. “Had to keep poking. Why couldn’t you stay the fuck away like I wanted you to?”

My lips meet hers in a bruising kiss. The naughty angel spreads her legs, inviting the devil to play. We both make strangled sounds of pleasure when my dick rubs against her center. Even still clothed, this is the best fucking thing I’ve ever felt in my life.

I knew it would be.

I knew.

I fucking knew.

Her fingers greedily dive into my hair, tugging me closer as she devours my mouth with her greedy tongue. She’s not like Deanna or the other bimbos. Hope tastes like candy corn and the step from good into evil. Hope’s a journey—one I won’t come back from. A turning point in my life. She fucking terrifies me.

My hips buck against her, eager to feel every soft crevice of her body. Hope won’t survive. Not with my nose having caught her scent. I’ll stalk, pounce, and devour my sweet prey. She’ll be forever ruined because of me. All that’ll be left is me standing on the other side of the invisible line, aching for something I tasted for a moment, only to take it away from myself for good.

“FUCKING OW!” I snarl, pulling back to glare at her.

Blood drips from my bottom lip and splat, splat, splatters on her milky skin before I tongue up the metallic tang. Her dark blue eyes harden.

“Why would you treat me like shit when we could have had this?” she demands, her cheeks turning pink with her anger. “Look how we fit together.” Her heels dig into my ass, pulling me flush against her. “It feels good, Land. You made me hate you for years. Why?”

I grab the top of her leotard over her shoulder and roughly pull it down to reveal her full tit. The nipple is indeed the color of her lips when I haven’t been ravishing them. Pale pink. Sweet as fuck.

I’m going to eat her alive.

Consume every part of her.

Own and take and destroy.

“Land,” she snaps. “Tell me.” Her eyes grow soft. “Please. Make me understand. Make this okay. Make me—”

“I’ll hurt you.”

Her eyes flare at my words. “You did hurt me.”

“No,” I snarl, shaking my head like a bull ready to charge. “I’ll hurt you indefinitely. That’s what I do, Hope. You fucking know it. It’s a surprise you haven’t tattled to your daddy. You know what my family is. What I was born from.”

Anger surges up inside me just thinking of all the shitty things Deanna said.

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