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Mated Enemies

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“Let’s go love they will be here any minute.” I stood to my feet not quite ready to look away from the vision in the mirror. His finger played over the mark on my neck and he smiled. I was about to ask him about what Millicent had said but then we heard the announcement of his parents’ announcement through the door.

And then his face fell and he got a crease in his brow when it was announced that they were joined by someone else. Without seeing who that someone was I already knew. And whereas my fairy would’ve begged off with a sudden headache or some other ailment that cannot be proved or disproved, my nymph slipped her arm through his with a smile and started towards the door.


“Help my parents to the table and tell them we’ll be there shortly.” I turned to him after he sent the servant off on that little errand.

“Something wrong?” I made sure my head was void of all thought as he looked down at me as if he had something to say.

In the end he just shook his head and took my hand in his “No, everything’s fine let’s go.” Junior was lying dormant or asleep for once and not spying. I’ve found lately that he does that a lot. When his dad is around, except for those times the two of them are having one of their gab fests, he stays very quiet. But once his dad is gone he’s all ears and eyes, almost as if they’re taking turns watching over me.

I shrugged it off for later as we walked into the dining room that could seat a hundred easy and saw the dignified couple who got to their feet as we walked in. His mom got tears in her eyes as soon as she saw me and I’m sure broke protocol when she came from around the table, arms outstretched and hugged me.

“Oh Lucien she’s beautiful! Let me see.” She put me away from her and did everything but turn me this way and that. Her eyes fell on the mark and she too changed almost completely. “Your royal highness.” She didn’t drop to her knees but she clasped her hands and bowed formally as her husband joined us and did the same.

The last occupant seemed stuck in place. She’d only made it to her feet but now at the reaction of these two seemed stumped. My new mother in law’s hissed order and Lucien’s raised brow got her moving. Unlike my in laws she did get down on her hands and knees on the floor the way Millicent had and kissed the ground at my feet.

I couldn’t burst into laughter or they’ll all think I’m nuts but it was close. “You have to relieve her princess.” Lucien leaned over to whisper in my ear. You don’t say. Had my new in laws not been there I would’ve left her there for an hour at least. But I have to put my best foot forward for this first meeting of course so I did as I was told. “You may rise!”

The servants, one for each of us, lead us back to the table and seated us. The blonde had taken a seat to the left of Lucien at the head of the table while his mom and dad sat on the opposite side. I’m guessing I was supposed to sit at the other end of the table but that wasn’t about to happen.

Before I could say anything though Lucien the wonderful took care of it. “I’m sorry Sabrina, my wife sits there.”

“Oh, I didn’t know, I thought…” She looked towards the far end of the table and I wanted to deck her.

“Yes, but this is not a formal occasion, it was supposed to be a family dinner and there aren’t that many people here. Besides, Natalia and I like to be close.” Woot, is he in on it too? That was perfect. I felt my first blush of pleasure when she shamefully left her seat and moved down and then it just got better.

“No, move to the other side, you know better. You’re not allowed so sit next to her.” And there he took the very last little bit of my heart. It’s like he’d read the script in my head and knew that I meant to put this twit in her place.

So I didn’t go looking for Lucien and wouldn’t have because of all the fears and misconceptions I once held. Was that really only a little more than a week and a half ago? But now he’s mine and the more time we spend together the more I come to feel for him. After what I’d overheard this afternoon I have a pretty good idea what her game is, and why she’d shown up here tonight, but I aim to put an end to her once and for all. By the time she leaves here she’s going to have no doubt who my man belongs to.

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