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Mated Enemies

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What kind of freak show is this? I’d been all set to play with idiot girl again when all hell broke loose. At first I thought it was Lucien spying again, but it didn’t feel like his aura. It took me a second to realize it was the kid who’d locked me off in some kind of force field that nothing could get through.

I wasn’t really afraid, just annoyed that she’d got the drop on me, but that was before the hag showed up; nasty things beldam. I couldn’t hear what was being said, could only see the nitwit being tossed about before the screams started, at least it looked like she was screaming.

Then she was bowing to the ground and the hag screeched bloody murder before turning to run away. But before she could take a step there appeared in the sky, a fire breathing dragon. ‘Is that you?’ No way that thing lives inside me he’s huge.

But then my feet were planted firmly on the ground once again and though the shield was still in place, the light that had been surrounding me dimmed. Then I saw what I had the day he was conceived, a small ball of light that flew gently into my stomach. There was a soft buzzing sound that lasted just a few seconds before everything settled down again.

I was too distracted by the chaos and mayhem going on outside the shield to take him to task for putting himself in danger. The dragon had wrapped his tail around the hag and thrown her clear across the way, where she scrambled to her feet and tried to make a run for it.

This time he blew a ball of fire in her path stopping her in her tracks. Meanwhile, my would be tormentor was cowering on the ground with her hands over her head. I watched mesmerized as Lucien in dragon form went nuts.

Men appeared from everywhere, soldiers, what looked like a hundred of them…for two women! Once the hag was in magical chains and Sabrina had been restrained Lucien literally changed halfway out of the sky and landed behind the shield in his manly form.

“Are you okay? Where are you hurt? What did I tell you about going about on your own?” He pushed me away from him one minute and pulled me back into his arms the next, all the while ranting like a lunatic. Took me a while to realize that he was scared.

“I’m okay, nothing happened.” I patted his shoulder and tried to calm him down. Once he was sure that I was okay he waved his hand and the shield disappeared and once again I could hear what was going on around me.

“Take them away!” He ordered his mini army before wrapping his arms around me and the next thing I knew we were back in our bedroom in the palace. “Well that was fun…. Or not.”

I took a step back from the look he gave me and I swear I came within a hair’s breadth of telling his son to put that shield back up. “Do you know how close you were to losing your life? You were ten feet away from…” His body shook as if rocked by some unseen force.

“I didn’t go there intentionally, that airheaded halfwit tricked me into going there.”

“And how did she do that? Did she enter these rooms and forcibly remove you?”

“Well, no, but…” He paced the room back and forth in an agitated state.

“I am calm… I know she can’t be punished. You don’t have to make excuses for her she….”

“Who’re you talking to?” Had he really lost it?

“Your son, he’s pleading your case. Did you really get drawn away by the smell of fruit trees?” Damn, this kid is a snitch. Hey you in there? How do I get you on my side? You have to tell him everything?

“He can hear you but you can’t hear him so don’t waste your time.”

“Stop listening, you promised.”

“I take it back.”

“You can’t, your word is not to be broken.”

“When it comes to protecting you and my son I don’t care. Besides, you broke trust first.”

“But it wasn’t my fault, she…”

“I don’t want to hear it. You’re lucky you’re carrying my child or I’d turn you over my knee.” Oh really now! I made my way carefully over to his side and tried my hand at being seductive. It comes naturally but I’ve never consciously tried it before, not really.

“Don’t be mad, nothing much happened and I wasn’t afraid, not really. I could’ve gotten out of there on my own but Junior wanted to try his baby dragon wings. How did he do that anyway? And how did you get there so fast?”

“Do you really think that’d going to work? Maybe if it was the elf princess.” Ouch!

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