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Mated Enemies

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I had tears in my eyes at the beauty of the moment. The way those wings then came down to wrap around her and the child as if protecting them. The future vampyre prince and the fae who carried him were one. It was a profound statement and one that no one missed.

After days of worrying about her not being able to handle the strain of the day, of her making a misstep somewhere along the way, I was the one who broke protocol. Now instead of waiting for her to come up the steps where I was supposed to wait for her, I went down to get them.

The stuffy elders didn’t make a sound didn’t complain not once, too mesmerized by the spectacle. I doubt even they had expected things to turn out this well. At the top of the steps once again we both turned to face the crowd giving them one last look at the royal couple before turning to head to the throne. For most it will be the first and last time they’d ever see her.

“Why couldn’t I carry him in a pod like all other elf kind?” Now was not the time for laughter but I couldn’t help it once Damien started snickering. His mother had gone into labor what felt like seconds after we’d gone to bed that night.

It was just a few short months after our nuptial ceremony and she’d been settling in very well. Her days were longer now since the crown princess consort was more than just a figurehead and everyone seemed to need her attention at once. I know it was because they were still fascinated by her but I wished for the earlier days when she had to think of nothing more than pleasing me.

Her family had returned to their respective homes but were due to come back any day now for the birth of our son, but he’d decided to make an early appearance. I should’ve known though the way she’d been acting all day.

Her moods had been fractious at best, morphing between one identity and another and her sexual appetite was even stronger than usual, something I found hard to believe.

We’d spent the night in celebration having hosted the heads of state of the other kingdoms, something that hadn’t been done in too long for anyone to remember and once again the elf princess had made an appearance.

Then as the ceremony came to an end I felt her need in the air and her scent had been more pervasive than usual as I rushed her back to the palace and into my bed.

She was riding my cock for all she was worth ten seconds after I stripped her clothes from her magically, those wings of hers wrapped around me like a cocoon, shutting out everything else but the feel of her pussy as it slid up and down my rod.

Gone was the regal beauty of the evening, and in her place was a sexual siren, who, couldn’t seem to get enough of my cock. I should’ve known something was up; her elf was acting more like her nymph. Not that the elf isn’t spicy it’s just that the nymph is a little more…raw, uninhibited if you will. But she was letting it all hang out in elf form.

And no matter how hard I fucked her she begged for more. Ever conscious of my child in her womb I tried taking it easy even though I knew it would take a whole lot more than a fuck to harm them, still, I wasn’t taking any chances so I tried to go slow. But she wasn’t having it.

Two hours and three positions later she was passed out before I even rolled away from her. I’d barely pulled the covers up over her and got her settled in my arms it seemed before she woke up screaming. And it’s been nonstop screaming ever since.

The imperial doctress had been summoned and I was ushered out of the room to go wait outside with my parents who had shown up as soon as I sent the call out. I was surprised to see the sky monarch in attendance but I shouldn’t have been; this child was the future of our kingdom, even though it was going to be a hell of a long time before he reigned.

I didn’t last long out there pacing, I could feel her pain, made myself endure it right along with her because he was mine too. Now we’ve come to the question she’d asked.

“Because a vampyre dragon mix cannot be carried around in a pod.” She didn’t like that answer and opened her mouth to blast me but thankfully my son chose that moment to push his head out of her to take a look at the world.

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