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Mated Enemies

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She must’ve felt my presence in bed with her because she grew restless again until I put my lips to her ear. ‘Sleep little Natalia, you’re safe.’ The ease with which my words settled her made me wish for such easy compliance in her waking hours.

There are ways that I could control her, bend her to my will, but my mind and heart shied away from the very thought. Never! I’ll never force her to my will. I don’t want a mindless sycophant, someone who does my every bidding. I want that fire and sweetness I’ve seen in her these last few days. I want it all.

I look forward to winning her over to my way naturally and the thought of taming her beneath me had my cock on the rise again. Better think of something else before I bite off more than I can chew. I was already pushing it spending this much time with her like this.

I recited a lesson from the great learning in my head and felt the need abate as my eyes drifted close. For the second time in I don’t know how long I fell asleep in the middle of the night.

Sometime before dawn my eyes flew open and I came fully awake. The first thing I felt was her precious head on my chest and her hair tickling my nose. I took a few minutes to enjoy the feel of her and the peace and quiet that I knew would soon be broken.

I ran my hand over her hair one last time before moving her off my chest and slipping out of bed from beside her beckoning warmth. I couldn’t resist standing next to the bed looking down at her for a few moments more no more than I could resist leaning over to touch my lips to her cheek before moving them to her ear.

‘It’s time to wake up’. I slid quietly from the room before the rest of the house could wake up and went to wait for her near the water’s edge. The sun will be up soon and she’ll be about her day while I have to stay indoors, but there was no reason I couldn’t stay here with her at least for a little while longer.

I slipped back into my bird form and laid beneath the tree she’d found me under the day before, doing a good impression of being hurt. If she gave it much thought she’d wonder how I’d flown away so strongly the day before only to be in this condition now. But I’m banking on her compassionate nature clouding her judgment.

I heard her coming not long after I arrived and started limping along the grass embankment making sure there was no way she could miss me. “Oh little birdie, so this is where you flew off to. Why did you leave so suddenly yesterday did we scare you?” She’s so easy.

She picked me up from the ground where I was pretending to be too weak to fly. “Let me take you back to the house then I’ll come back for my swim.” Nope, that’s my reward for being good all night while you slept in my arms.

I hopped from her hand and ran along the grass twittering. She laughed at my antics and tried to catch me again. This time I flew onto a low- lying branch of the same tree I’d fallen from the day before and she stood below looking up at me.

“Fine, I’ll have my swim, maybe by then you’d be ready to behave.” Oh goodie. My eyes were glued to her as she pulled the gown off over her head and stepped into the water. If she noticed the absence of her little friends she didn’t mention it, which was just as well. I was keeping them away though I could still feel their presence somewhere behind me deep in the woods.

I watched her play and frolic to her heart’s content and got lost in her antics once again. By the time she left the water the first rays of the sun was beginning to scorch my ass. I made sure to fly down from my perch just as she pulled the gown over her wet skin and just in case she forgot flew onto her shoulder.

She laughed and skipped towards the house where the rest of the house was already beginning to stir. She headed up to her room and left me on the little bedside table while she went into the shower. She wasn’t in there ten seconds when I heard a loud shriek and barely restrained myself from changing back to my form to go to her.

Two seconds later she came bounding out the door while my heart was in my lungs. I looked her over with a flash of my eyes and mind and saw no harm, no blood, nothing at all to make her behave this way.

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