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Surrendering Series Box Set

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“We thought you’d gotten lost,” Mom joked as she took Lucah’s coat. He whispered something I couldn’t hear and she laughed again as we walked into the dining room. I’d have to ask him about that later.

“So, Rory, how is work?” Mom always asked me that, even though she probably heard enough about Clarke Enterprises from Dad.

“It’s going well. Lilia is working out.” I knew what she was going to bring up.

“Walter said they hired a new girl about your age. So you’re not alone anymore. That must be nice.” I didn’t point out that Violet and I were both women, because she was my mother and I would always be her little girl. I glanced at Lucah, but his charm suit was still in place and wasn’t budging.

“Yeah, it is nice. We had lunch together the other day and I really think we have a lot in common.” With that comment, Lucah choked on a piece of scalloped potato and I banged him on the back as he gulped down some water.

“My goodness, are you all right?” Mom said. He held his hand up and gasped, trying to get his breath back. I knew exactly why he’d choked. I didn’t mean it to come out that way, but it was kind of funny. In a twisted sort of way.

“Fine, Mrs. Clarke. I’m fine.” He squeezed my hand under the table and I wasn’t sure what that was about. Lucah’s choking fit did accomplish one thing, and changed the subject. Dad had been silent about Violet, which I found odd, until I realized that Mrs. Andrews must have told him something. Great. I officially had no secrets.

We finished dinner and had dessert and coffee and then Dad asked Lucah if he could show him something in the study. Mom nabbed my arm and said she needed my opinion on drapes, or some such bullshit. Smooth. Very smooth, parents. But I went along with it. Lucah would tell me about it later, of course.

Mom showed me the drapes and then got down to business.

“So, you and Lucah seem like you’re really moving forward.” Jesus, I knew just where this was going. God, I hoped Dad wasn’t doing the same thing to Lucah. I wished I could send him a text to make sure, but Mom would know something was up.

“Yeah, Mom, we are. Seeing as how we live together and have done so for a little while.” She gave me a look.

“Watch your tone, Rory.” My parents never seemed to appreciate my sarcasm in times like this. “I am simply pointing out that you have been living together and that usually precedes marriage and babies and so forth. I’m just wondering if you had any news on that. At all?” It was like she’d overheard our conversation yesterday. Did she and Dad bug my apartment? I almost wouldn’t put it past them.

“No, Mom. I don’t have any news for you on that front.” I held up my left hand and wiggled my ring-free fingers. “We’ve been together less than six months. It’s still too soon, don’t you think?” She fiddled with the drapes.

“Well, you moved in together so soon that I thought maybe the rest of your relationship would move that fast.” She turned around and gave me a smile, but it wasn’t a happy one. She was fishing, and poorly disguising it.

“No, Mom. I just don’t think that we should rush it. Because we’re still young and figuring things out.”

“That’s probably wise,” she said, nodding. It did bother me a tiny bit that she was all sweetness and light in front of Lucah, but then she didn’t seem to approve of our relationship when he wasn’t around. “My parents told me that I rushed into things with your father, but of course I was young and in love and I didn’t listen. But those were different times and I was much more foolish than you are.” She patted my arm and went back to talking about drapes and sconces and curtain rods.


Lucah and I didn’t get to talk until we got back in the car.

“So did my Dad ask you if you were going to propose to me?”

“No, actually. He asked me if I had any more information about the Board, but I didn’t have anything he didn’t already know about. Why, is that what your mom asked you about?” I nodded and told him all about it. I expected him to be shocked, or surprised, but he just burst out laughing.

“I’m glad you think this is funny. I doubt you would have if you’d been in my position.”

“You’re right,” he said, trying to stifle his chuckling. “Your mother is a lovely woman, but she kind of scares the shit out of me sometimes.”

“You and me both.”


Sloane was on our couch again and this time she’d been crying. Not exactly what I wanted to come home to.

“I think this is my cue to make myself scarce,” Lucah said, going to hide in the bedroom, but Sloane stopped him.

“No, it’s okay. You can stay.” He nodded and sat down on the other end of the couch and I sat next to Sloane, taking her feet onto my lap. Lucah handed her some tissues.

“What’s going on?”

She blew her nose before she answered. “I was just thinking about Ryder and how right you are about him and how much I don’t want to be attracted to him, but I can’t help it. You know me, Rory. I always have the worst taste in guys. I always pick the ones that are bad for me.” That was true. Her past relationships left a lot to be desired, and a lot of baggage in their wake. Like she didn’t have enough already.

“How can you be this into him? You’ve only met him once.” She shook her head.

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