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Surrendering Series Box Set

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“Well, if you like her so much, then why don’t you marry her?” I said, teasing.

“She’s not my type. I like blondes who wear red shoes and are in positions of authority and have secret piercings. That’s my idea of the perfect woman.”

“Hate to break it you, Ginger, but I’m not the perfect woman.” He was definitely the perfect man, though.

“I can think you’re perfect if I want.” He threw me on my back on the couch and then climbed on top of me.

“Fine, you can think I’m perfect,” I said as he kissed behind my ear, making me tingle all over.


We didn’t remember the dessert until the smoke detector started going nuts.

“At least we know it works,” I said as Lucah and I waved brooms in front of it to dissipate the smoke from the now-black cheesecake.

“Sloane is going to kill me. Or maybe you for distracting me so much.”

“I am prepared to give my life for yours, my lady love,” he said in a dramatic fashion as the beeping finally stopped. We both breathed a sigh of relief, but then there was the black cake to think about.

“We could just eat it,” I suggested.

“I will if you will.” It wasn’t a large thing, only about five inches round, but it was pretty gross looking. I got out two forks and handed him one.

“One, two, three!” We both grabbed a bite and shoved it into our mouths.

And proceeded to run for the sink and spit it out.

“Oh my God, it’s like zombie cheesecake,” I said, rinsing my mouth out as he made the most hilarious faces I’d ever seen.

“Zombie cheesecake?”

“Like cheesecake that died, was buried and then rose again from the dead.” I shuddered and stared at the offending cheesecake.

“There’s only one thing to do.” I found a garbage bag and tossed the thing in it and Lucah and I made a trip down to the Dumpster.

Since we didn’t have dessert, we just got to the sex faster. I’d started keeping condoms and plenty of lube and so forth in my nightstand drawer, but as Lucah went in for a condom, he found something else I forgot I had put back there after using it the other day.

He pulled out Mr. Buzzy and raised one eyebrow at me.

“What? You’ve never seen a vibrator before?”

“Oh, no I have. I just didn’t know you had one. Why didn’t you tell me?”

“Why, are you jealous?” If he was jealous, I was going to be pissed. Men and their stupid fragile egos.

“Hell no. I’m just mad that I didn’t know about it earlier, and that you would be cool with using one.”

“So you’re cool with it?”

“That’s an understatement,” he said, trying to turn it on. “Show me how you use it.” I grabbed the batteries from the drawer and put them in.

“You want to watch me?”

“Once again, understatement. There’s nothing sexier than a woman who knows what she wants and can get it for herself. Show me.” Well, if that was what he wanted . . .

I put Mr. Buzzy through his paces while Lucah watched and it was the single sexiest moment of my life. He was mesmerized and I felt like a goddess as he watched me. I loved it and I loved him. When I came, I called his name anyway, and he took Mr. Buzzy away from me and entered me with one sharp thrust and I felt like I had been destroyed in that one moment.

“I. Love. You. So. Much. I. Almost. Can’t. Stand. It.”

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