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Surrendering Series Box Set

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“I can see your head working right now, which means I’ve said too much.” He’d barely said anything. He got up and sighed.

“Are you still angry with me?”

“Yes,” I said, even though I didn’t sound convincing. I really was pissed at him, and I was going to make him work to get back in my good graces.

“Well. I think I can do something about that. You know there’s the stockholder meeting this afternoon and that they’re going out. No one is going to be in the office. Even Mrs. Andrews is going for the free food. So. We have more than enough work here and we should stay behind and get going on it and they can save us a pastry. What do you say to that?” He put both hands on the arms of my chair and leaned down.

Was I still pissed at him? Yes. Was I going to let that stop me from having amazing office sex again? Nope.

“I say that you’d better be absolutely sure this is going to work and then you’d better be absolutely sure that I am more than satisfied at the end of it,” I said, trying to keep my bitch face on.

“Yes, Miss Clarke. I will let you know the details later.” His face was close enough to kiss, but he didn’t. Instead he smiled and strolled out of the office as if he was very pleased with himself.

He’d gone from a man on his knees to a man that was practically skipping because he knew he was going to bang me on my desk. Not that I wasn’t looking forward to it, but that he could flip so easily was a little disconcerting.

And then he rushed back into my office, shut the door, came over and looked into my eyes.

“I’m so sorry, Sunshine. I hope you can forgive me.” And then he was gone again, nearly crashing into Dad as he walked past my office. Dad gave him a strange look.

Being with Lucah was anything but boring and it was about to get really interesting . . .


“Are you coming to the meeting? You know they’re serving those little crab puffs you love,” Dad said later on his way past my door to go to the meeting. I tried to look as frazzled and stressed as I could and didn’t glance up from my computer.

“Would you hate me if I didn’t go? I’m absolutely buried right now. I have about twelve fires I’m trying to put out.”

“Sure, I just didn’t want you to miss anything. Why don’t you send Mr. Blaine along to take notes for you?”

“I need him,” I said, and then immediately realized how that sounded. “I need him to go down and get some of the old files for me. We’re kind of double teaming this right now, so it would just make more work if he left.” I typed faster and still didn’t look up.

“Oh, of course. It’s nothing earth shattering. Probably it will turn out like all the others with lots of golf talk and discussion on the Red Sox’ chances this year. I’ll give your excuses. Have a good rest of your afternoon. I’m headed home after the meeting.” I said good-bye and didn’t look up until the entire office went silent. I glanced at Lucah’s desk and made a thumbs-up sign and he did the same.

Coast was clear, but I had to make absolutely sure, so I knocked on every single office door and made sure we were the only two people left.

Lucah leaned against his desk as I did one more check.

“Is anyone here?” he yelled and I shushed him. He put his hand to his ear. “Nope, nothing but echoes.” He grabbed my shirt and pulled me closer.

“So,” he said.

“So,” I said.

“Your desk or mine?” he said, kissing me and backing me up so I was against my office door.

“I have reports all over my desk,” I said as he kissed me and started unbuttoning my shirt.

“There are reports all over my desk,” he said. He kissed my collarbone and I moved my hands down his back to un-tuck his shirt from his pants.

I didn’t want to have sex on reports that were going to go back into files. That was just . . . not okay.

“How about we go over here?” he said, pulling me with him to the boardroom. There was a big huge table and it got cleaned every night and it also had a lock.

“You’re so smart. I love that you’re so smart.”

“I love that you’re so sexy,” he said, opening the door, slamming it and then locking it.

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