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The Surrogate

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I got up intending to head to the bathroom for a robe, but there were clothes folded on the chair next to the bed with a note. “Wear these.” I lifted the sweater, which was obviously his and a pair of sweats that I had to roll at the waist about four times even with my protruding belly; they were way too long.

I was suddenly ravenous, which is to be expected when you’re five months pregnant and had spent the whole night fucking. Between my legs hurt in the nicest way. Every step I took reminded me of having him inside me.

I pulled on the wool socks he left me and headed for the stairs and the kitchen beyond. I heard voices coming from the kitchen and stopped in case they were having a private conversation, but then I heard my name.

“Does Angelica know about this?”

“She doesn’t have to; it’s what I want.”

“Ash, she’s only nineteen and you two just met last night, what makes you think she’d want to be with you? You can’t force her; I’ll feel guilty if it doesn’t work out between you two.”

“You’ll never get the chance to feel that guilt. I know what I want. You of all people Penny should know how I am.”

“Yes, well, she’s not a thirteen-year-old impressionable youth like I was when you hoodwinked me.”

“What’s your excuse now? You’re in your thirties, and I’m still fucking you. Speaking of which, last night was the last time.”

“Oh come on, you only just got back, and it was before since we fucked before that.”

“Sorry, sis, we’re out of the game.”


“Angelica and I.”

“You’re assuming an awful lot for someone who hasn’t asked her to move in with you yet.”

I drew in my breath hard and covered my mouth with my hand lest I give myself away. It was obvious they hadn’t heard my approach because of my padded feet in the socks, but I wasn’t ready to let them know I was here, I wanted to hear more because everything he was saying was news to me.

Sure we’d talked last night in between fucks when my pussy needed a break, and he said I’d cut his dick to ribbons with my tight fuck hole, his words. But we’d only talked about school and his import-export business that was apparently worth billions.

He told me about his and Penny’s relationship and how it had started because after his mom’s death he felt like he had no control and had gone through a phase where he needed to have complete control over everything and as a horny teen that had transpired into him fucking the shit out of his step-sister every day from the age of thirteen until he went away to college.

They’d kept up the relationship when he came home for breaks and even when he and she had significant others that had no idea about their relationship, and even after she got married. He swears that he’s not the one who got her into the swinging scene, but I wonder if she did it as a way to keep fucking him. I was too afraid to ask, though, not sure how he’d take it.

Now I listened in as he answered his sister.

“I’m not going to ask her to move in with me.”

“But you said…” Penny started.

“I’m going to ask her to marry me.” You could hear a pin drop in the other room for about two minutes.

“I think that’s great, congratulations bro.” Nick, I imagined was holding out his hand to Ash to shake while I stood immobile in the hallway. I was stuck and struck dumb. I didn’t even move when I heard footsteps coming my way.

It was Ash, and he didn’t seem at all surprised to see me. He just grabbed my hand and walked me back the way I came. “Sadie’s going to bring you breakfast in a minute.” Was all he said as he took me back upstairs.

“How much did you hear?” I was still in shock and just stared at him, mutely for a few seconds. Did he really say he was going to marry me? Did I fall down the rabbit hole? How is this happening? He knows everything about me, knows what I’ve done.

Granted, I’m not ashamed of it, but still, not many men would want to deal with something like that I don’t figure. I figured the weekend was all we had. That even though he’d asked me a lot about my life and school and stuff that he was just doing it to kill time before we fucked again.

“Everything…I think. I came along when you said you were going to ask me to marry you, no a little before that, but I can’t remember what was said, I need to sit down. Am I rambling?” I asked as he helped me over to the chair and pushed me gently down by my shoulders.

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