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Wicked Cravings (The Phoenix Pack 2)

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“What’s the point in telling you anything?” he wheezed out, pain etched into his face. “You’ll kill me anyway.”

Dante sighed. “Let’s look at it this way, Fuck. Once you’ve told me what I want to know, I’ll have no more use for you, and you’ll be quickly disposed of. But if you drag this out, you’re going to go through a lot of seriously bad pain first. You shot my female, you put a hole in her leg, you made her bleed, you put her through a serious amount of pain, and I have a huge f**king problem with all that. None of it is acceptable to me, and none of it is forgivable for me. Naturally, there’s no chance of you getting out of this hut alive. Whether you die quickly or painfully is up to you. What will it be?”

“Go f**k yourself!”

Dante shrugged and then quickly snapped his thumb. “Before you again advise me to f**k myself, I should point out that I intend to work through each one of your other fingers. Then I’ll move on to your wrists. Oh and then I’ll look forward to dislocating your shoulders. And after that—”

“All right, fine! I’m a lone wolf. I do…jobs,” he admitted begrudgingly.

Dante whistled. “A gun for hire, huh.” It wasn’t unusual for lone wolves. It was a good way for them to earn money, favors, or protection.

“Your female was just a name on a long list,” he said with no remorse whatsoever.

“Who gave you her name?”

“She didn’t introduce herself.”

Glory. “Go on.” When he didn’t respond, Dante repeated, “Go on. ”

“I’ve told you enough al—” He stopped abruptly and yelled as Dante snapped his other index finger. “She just said to make sure the bitch was dead!”

“Dead?” echoed Dante in a low, menacing voice. So the shooter had been aiming to kill, not to injure, and probably would have succeeded if Jaime hadn’t sensed his presence and quickly moved.

As the reality of just what could have happened to her hit him, a sinister growl rumbled out of him.

She could be dead right now. He could have lost her, could have been forced to grieve her—something he would have done every single day for the rest of his life. Nothing would have helped him move forward. No one could have replaced her. Not even his true mate. He gritted out, “And you had every intention of making sure she was dead, didn’t you?” Fuck looked up at him miserably. “You’re going to kill me now, aren’t you?”

“Without blinking.”

It was an hour later before Dante returned to the caves. Any other time he would have spent some time alone, but he needed to see Jaime. Needed to be sure she was safe and well. He also needed the sense of calm that only she could give him. To his surprise, she was asleep with Hunk curled up beside her protectively.

Grace looked up and smiled from the chair beside the bed. “She’s fine,” she assured him quietly. “I’d say she’ll be fully healed by morning.”

“Thanks, Grace.” He made a mental note to thank Lydia tomorrow.

“Are you staying in here with her? Lydia or I can do it if you—”

“No, I’ll do it.”

“Okay. Come get me if she wakes up through the night in pain, all right?”

“I will. Thanks again, Grace.” Sinking into the chair that Grace had vacated, he stared at Jaime’s sleeping face, marveling at how she never, ever looked at peace when she slept. She was always frowning or pouting or wearing that odd little expression that made her cute little nose crinkle up. Leaning forward, he placed a soft, lingering kiss on her forehead, ignoring the hiss that came from the huge, ugly cat that was snuggled into her. When Jaime’s eyes fluttered open, he cursed. “Sorry, baby, I didn’t mean to wake you. Look, I know you’re pissed at me for telling you to stay behind, but—”

“I’m not. Well, I am. But I get why you didn’t want me there. You okay?” The way he rested his head on her shoulder said that he wasn’t. “Did you get answers from him?”

“In the morning, baby, we’ll talk about in the morning, I swear. I just can’t think about it all right now.”

Because he needed to calm down, she realized. On the outside he was the picture of calm, of course. “You don’t have to feel bad about killing that guy.” She wouldn’t have if the situation had been reversed.

“I don’t. He hurt you.” Dante knew he should feel some remorse, knew it probably made him a bad person that he didn’t. But that kill had about as much significance to him as a tiny splinter, because of what the bastard had planned for Jaime.

“You’re not a bad person,” she told him, knowing where his thoughts had taken him. “I’m not saying you’re perfect. You’re cocky and a know-it-all and you’re addicted to working. But you’ve got a nice big dick and great bedroom skills, so I’m willing to overlook all that.” He laughed and lifted his head. Only Jaime could have put a smile on his face when he was in this mood. “Then I’ll be sure to put my big dick and my skills to good use tomorrow. Now you need to sleep though.”

She wanted to sleep beside him, but there was barely room for her on the single bed, let alone both of them. Besides, Hunk would probably slice open his cheek if Dante tried. She gripped his hand. “Stay with me.”

He kissed her softly, amazed that such simple contact could soothe him. “You couldn’t get rid of me even if you wanted to.”

They both knew that he was talking about more than tonight.


“The wound is fully healed,” declared Grace after she had carefully examined Jaime’s leg the next morning. “I think it will still be a little tender to walk on for a few hours. By tonight, it’ll be fine again.”

Jaime looked at the panicky wolf who sat gingerly on the bed, as if his body weight could break her. “Happy now?”

Dante kissed her cheek and filled his lungs with her scent, reassuring himself and his wolf that she was fine. “I just wanted to be sure. You were almost killed last night. Give me a little space to be more overprotective than usual.”

“Give me a little space to breathe. I’ve agreed not to go to work, but there’s no way I’ll agree to sitting in this damn bed all day.”

The door opened, and Lydia strode inside with a tray of food. Gabe was close behind her, carrying two mugs of coffee. While Dante had been off interrogating the lone wolf last night, her brother had barged into the examination room and fussed over her for at least thirty minutes straight. It had taken Hope, Lydia, and Rhett to convince him to go to bed.

“Morning, sunshine,” drawled Gabe, who knew she was the world’s worst patient.

Scowling, she took the mug of coffee. “If you’ve come to fuss again, you can leave right now.

I’ve had enough of that from Popeye here.”

Dante nipped her earlobe punishingly. “You’d be the same if it was me.” She snorted. “No I wouldn’t, because you wouldn’t even be in this bed. You’d have been out of it the second the bandage was on.”

He couldn’t argue with that, so, stifling a smile, he said nothing and took a swig of his coffee before digging into the pancakes that Lydia had placed on the tray for him.

“Your silence speaks for you.”

Gabe chuckled and kissed her forehead. “Give him a break.”

She gasped. “Whose side are you on?”

“His, in this case. He just wants to take care of you. Let him.”


Suddenly there was a light knock on the door, followed immediately by Shaya peeking through.

“Is it okay to come in?”

“Yes, please do,” Jaime quickly replied before Dante could say something dumb about her needing peace and quiet. Shaya smiled and walked inside, and then a crowd of people followed behind her and piled into the room.

Dante went to object, but Grace shook her head, saying, “They just want to see that she’s okay.”

Begrudgingly, he didn’t comment as each of the pack—other than Greta—gave Jaime a brief hug, though he did release a low, territorial growl whenever one of the males touched her. Marcus earned a whack over the head when he kissed her smack on the mouth purely to rile him. Jaime raised a brow at Dante, but he just shot her a wide, unrepentant grin.

“How does the leg feel?” It was clear by the way Taryn was fidgeting that the healer in her was finding it hard to know that someone in her presence was injured.

“A little tender, but that’s it,” replied Jaime, flexing it. “Give me a couple of days and I’ll be ready to challenge Glory.”

Dante nearly choked on his food. “You will not.”

Her wolf growled, displeased by his objection and tone. Dante had told her all that he had learned from the lone wolf last night. There was really only one thing Jaime could do now. “Dante, that crazy-ass woman tried to have me killed. Call me strange, but I’m not prepared to let that go.”

“She’ll pay for what she did. It doesn’t mean you have to challenge her.”

“A few months ago, I wouldn’t have. But your training taught me how to keep a handle on my wolf when I’m fighting. Why not put those skills to good use? Besides, she’ll just keep doing stuff until I do. Generally people who want someone dead will not stop until they’ve succeeded.”

“Yep,” he agreed, playing with her hair, “but she’ll have to get through me to reach you, and that’s not going to happen. You don’t get involved at all. The enforcers and I will deal with it.”

“I’m not the type of person to sit on my ass while everyone else shovels the shit.” A huff escaped the old woman standing near the door. “If your wolf wasn’t insane and you weren’t such a liability, you wouldn’t have to, would you.”

“Uh-oh,” said Jaime. “Greta’s mouth is open and words are spilling out. That can’t be good.”

“Because of that, the responsibility now falls to my poor boys.” Jaime groaned. “Please tell me you’ll cut the apron springs at some point. Seriously, it’s kind of disturbing.”

“It’s your wolf’s state that’s disturbing. I don’t know why Dante couldn’t have settled for someone who wasn’t mental, rude, slutty, and fat. There’ve been some lovely girls in his life. Why he had to pick you is beyond me.”

Jaime cupped her ear. “Sorry, what? It was hard to understand you while all that shit was streaming out of your mouth.”

Dante held a hand up to shush Greta and gripped Jaime’s chin, bringing her face to his. “I won’t let you put yourself in danger, Jaime. Deal with it.”

“Before we decide what to do next, we need to talk to Nick about what happened,” Trey interrupted.

Jaime resisted the urge to glance at Shaya to see if she was okay at the mention of Nick’s name. She made a mental note to check in with her later.

Tao leaned against the wall, crossing his arms over his chest. “What’s the point? He’s been no help at all.”

Trick nodded his agreement. “So far, all he’s done is protect Glory.”

“That’s only to be expected,” said Trey with a shrug. “She’s one of his wolves. I’d want damning evidence before I handed over any of you to someone to be punished. Even then, I wouldn’t want to do it.”

Dante sighed. “Then we don’t contact him about it. I told him that time I met him in the diner that if she didn’t let this drop, I’d deal with her myself without his approval. He said he’d do the very same thing if the situation was reversed.”

“Still, I doubt he’d truly be okay with it. And the last thing I want right now is to be battling with another pack. Taryn doesn’t need that kind of stress—” Taryn growled. “Flintstone, please explain what I did to give you the impression that I was delicate?”

“Taryn, you’re due to give birth any day now.” His expression was fierce and his voice was firm, but he might as well have been whispering for all the good it did to intimidate his mate.

“That doesn’t mean anyone in the pack has to suffer because of that. I think Jaime’s right. I think Glory will keep this up until someone gives her a very good reason to stop. If she acted alone, it’s possible that her brothers no longer wish to get involved.”

“That wouldn’t surprise me, given what Dante, Jaime, and Ivy did to them when they turned up at the animal sanctuary,” said Marcus.

“No.” Jaime shook her head. “I saw the looks on their faces. They were excited about hurting me. They were going to enjoy it. Especially because they’re unbelievably overprotective of their baby sister and know I hurt her badly. I can’t see them wanting to let someone else have the privilege of hurting me in return. They’d see it as being robbed.”

“She’s right.” Dante took her hand in his, wanting to feel her skin against his. “The brothers wouldn’t let this go. But they’ll know by now exactly what happens when they confront us. They’ll most likely want to bide their time, may even think we’d fall for the ‘Oh, they’ve let it go’ trick.

Maybe Glory didn’t want to wait and acted alone this time. Whatever the case, we can’t let this go.” Jaime nodded. “Which is why I fully intend to challenge her.” Dante tightened his grip on her hand. “Jaime—”

“Just what would you do to a guy who not only attempted to have you killed, but was claiming I was his mate?”

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