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Let Me Stay

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“No, Brynn. We are not. We are going to walk along the beach with our toes in the surf.”

“Oh, that is romantic.” It reminds me of Sweet Home Alabama, and I can’t get enough of that movie.

“Yes, that was my thinking too. Your sister said you love to walk on the beach. She said an awful lot about you when I spoke to her.”

“I see. All good things, I hope?” I turn so that we are facing each other and look at him expectantly.

“Of course. Scout’s Honor.” He makes the finger gesture causing me to laugh.

“Right. I know Bella. I am sure she told you some embarrassing stuff too. But I am sure I will live because you have witnessed my most embarrassing moment to date.” I laugh, remembering my crying fit and the moments after. God, those moments after, in my parent’s little half-bathroom, make my pussy wet all over again.

“I would not be too embarrassed about that,” he says huskily, looking into my eyes.

I tip my chin up to him, and then he is kissing me. Suddenly, the sky explodes into bursts of heat lightning. This kiss seems to last an eternity. He finally pulls himself away from me. Not sure of how much time had passed, I speak first, touching my now swollen lips.

“That was, um, amazing,” I say. My voice is thick with desire. The word “amazing” was the furthest thing from my mind, but desperation does not look good on any woman. He clears his throat twice before speaking. His voice still comes out huskily.

“Yes, very amazing.” He is rubbing his fingertips over the knuckles of the hand he still holds. “Let’s walk.” We walk along the beach until my feet protest.

“Let’s go back to the room,” I say, wanting him inside of me. How the hell is he so perfect?

“Let’s get married tomorrow,” he says, surprising me.

“Yeah. Okay. I like that idea better,” I say, agreeing with him. I know we should discuss it more, but the spontaneity and romanticism of it has me zipping my lips. I want to be his wife, maybe more than my next breath. We can just have a big party when we get home.

The following morning, after a quick stop at a jewelry store to purchase our wedding bands, we are at the Monroe County Clerk of Courts, standing in front of Judge Faulkner, in his beach-themed chambers. It’s cute, and the pictures are going to be great. I am wearing a teal sundress and flip-flops while he is wearing khaki shorts, a white button-up shirt with the sleeves rolled up, and what I would consider dressy flip-flops. Judge Faulkner’s clerks, Betty Jean and Sarah, are acting as our witnesses.

“Brendan Michael O’Neal and Brynn Gabriella Vitali, by coming here today to be joined in marriage, you perform a supreme act of faith. Faith in one another, faith in the bonds you will share going forth. Since it is your intention to enter into a binding marriage, please face each other and join your hands together.” The judge turns to Brendan, smiling warmly.

“Brendan, please repeat after me: I, Brendan Michael O’Neal, take you, Brynn Gabriella Vitali, to be my lawfully wedded wife. I promise to be true to you in good times and in bad, in sickness and in health. I will love you until death parts us.”

“I, Brendan Michael O’Neal, take you, Brynn Gabriella Vitali, to be my lawfully wedded wife. I promise to be true to you in good times and in bad, in sickness and in health. I will love you until death parts us,” he says, squeezing my hand before running circles over the back of it with his thumb.

Then he turns to me. The butterflies in my stomach take flight, and I wish I had a free hand to press to my belly in an attempt to calm it.

“Brynn, please repeat after me: I, Brynn Gabriella Vitali, take you, Brendan Michael O’Neal, to be my lawfully wedded husband. I promise to be true to you in good times and in bad, in sickness and in health. I will love you until death parts us.”

“I, Brynn Gabriella Vitali, take you, Brendan Michael O’Neal, to be my lawfully wedded husband. I promise to be true to you in good times and in bad, in sickness and in health. I will love you until death parts us.”

“Do either of you have any further vows you wish to say today?” the judge asks.

“I do,” Brendan says, surprising me. I didn’t think we were doing this. “Brynn, we have only known each other a short while, but I love you more than I have ever loved anyone or anything. You have given me so much that I didn’t know I needed. Everything I own, we now share. God gave you to me, and I am not giving you back, Brynn. You are my heart, my soul, my love, and my life. Always and forever.”

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