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Let Me Stay

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“No problem,” I say, smiling. “Asshole,” I mutter under my breath before walking away—what a fucking dick.

When I make my way over to the bar, I can immediately tell it is a bachelor party.

“Good evening, gentleman. My name is Brynn, and I will be taking care of you this evening. What can I get you to start with?” I ask as I take in the masculine energy these guys are giving off. They are all well-dressed.

“I will have a Crown and Coke,” the groom says. His crown gives him away as the groom.

The others order, and when I get to the last guy, my eyes widen. I think my mouth does too. Holy shit. He’s so hot; I almost forget to breathe. He looks like a Viking with his black hair. It is long on top and short on the sides. And his beard? Don’t get me started on it. It is neat and trimmed. I can imagine that scruff grating against my thighs. He also has these ridiculously sexy thick-framed black glasses. Have I ever thought that glasses were sexy before? I do not think I have, but on him they are striking. He removes them before I think any more about it. I suck in a deep breath. To my ears, it sounds about as loud a truck coming to a sudden stop at a red light. “And for you, sir?” I ask. Our eyes connect, but he does not say anything for what feels like hours. Then his eyes roam my body, and the smallest hint of a smile spreads across his lips. It is almost like a smirk. He clears his throat and blinks.

“Ice water, please.” His voice is loud and confident and kind of sounds like what I think smooth chocolate would sound like if it was suddenly able to talk.

“Coming right up,” I say breathlessly. It’s like I cannot take a complete breath anymore. Why is he having this kind of effect on me?

I gird myself for the onslaught of the typical bachelor party jokes at my expense, but they never come. These guys are nice and respectful.

It is a refreshing change of pace, and I enjoy hanging out with them. All but the one on the end, the one I cannot stop staring at, are engaging me in conversation. Tall and Broody just watches me as I move up and down the bar. I know that I am covered in cherry juice, but that cannot be what has him so interested. Every time I look at him, he is already looking at me. He does not shy away when I catch him either.

Chapter 3


Surely, she knows how beautiful she is; I do not need to tell her, but I want to. She should know that she is the most beautiful woman I have ever seen. I want to ask her out, but I do not want to be another douche who hit on her in a bar—the place she works, no less. From the moment she walked over to me, something about her called to me. It could have been her big, dark hair, or her short skirt, or the fact that she is covered with what looks like cherry juice. A number of things about her call to me. She is stunning, and for some fucking reason, I hate the fact that she works here, letting other men see her in such skimpy clothing. Her too-tight white shirt and white Chucks bear the brunt of the juice, but I gather she is covered pretty much head to toe in the sweet, sticky liquid. I imagine licking every inch of her body, every nook, every cranny just to be sure it is all off of her.

My dick hardens in my pants, of course it does. I want her as I have never wanted any other woman before. I watch her serve Sam and the rest of the party. She is polite and courteous but barely looks at them. She is either looking down at the drink she is making or right at me and that right there is what seals her fate. That look she gives me tells me that she is going to be mine. Fucking crazy how quickly someone can change your life, and I have only said three words to her.

Finally, she comes back down to the end of the bar and stands in front of me. She slides a tall glass of ice water over to me. Greedily, I take a huge gulp realizing how dry my mouth has gotten. I down the contents in seconds.

“Another?” she asks, leaning over the bar.

“Please,” I say, chuckling. She stops at the sound and gives me a smile that is brighter than the lights of this stupid club.

“Let me grab that for you,” she says, laughing. The lilting sound goes straight to my balls.

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