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Loving Summer

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“I would never!” Tori cries out indignantly, and I start laughing again. The woman is a total drama queen, but I love her.

“Please get here soon. The contractions are getting closer together. I don’t want you to miss anything.”

“I’m already on the way baby girl. I’ll see you in ten minutes, tops.”

Betty, one of the nurses on staff walks in with a tray with what has to be the makings to start my I.V. “I gotta go, babe, they’re here to start my I.V. I’ll see you soon.”

“I love you, baby.”

“I love you too.”

“Not more than I love you.”

Less than ten minutes later, Drake strolls in with Dr. Hernandez. He tries making chit chat, but I’m not in the mood. My pain is past a ten and I need this baby out, now. Forty-five minutes later with the help of Drake, Tori and my annoying yet awesome O.B. our daughter is born.



Ten Years Later

A few years ago, we moved off the island to Bluffton. We needed a bigger house. A much bigger house. Eight years and six kids later, we had no choice but to go off the island. With more land, I was able to build my wife the house of her dreams. We kept the beach house and use it as a timeshare, but we can stay at the beach whenever we want. I transferred to Bluffton’s Fire and Rescue as their chief. Summer commuted the ten minutes to the hospital up until she gave birth to our youngest a few months ago. She hasn’t decided if she’s going back to work or not yet, but she’s left the option open. I left work early today because our nine-year-old, Desi, has a dance recital tonight. The last one before summer camp starts next week. I promised her that I’d be here. After making a stop at the florist, I head home.

Once there, I open the front door, I hear a cacophony of sounds, the kids playing but they aren’t in the front of the house. I place the roses in the fridge and walk down the hall to the bedroom for a shower since there was a fire earlier that I was needed at. Fucking arson. As I enter my bedroom, my daughter is sitting at her mother’s vanity, getting her hair and makeup done. Summer is crying silently, but she is beaming with pride at the same time. I lean on the door jam just watching them.

“Hi, Daddy,” Desi says, noticing me through the mirror. When did she get so grown? I shake my head and walk towards them.

“Hi, button. You all set for tonight?” I ask, leaning down to kiss the top of her head, but she ducks out of the way. I feel mortally wounded, but I get it.

“Yes, Daddy. Geez, don’t mess up my hair,” she says, swatting me away from her.

“How was your day, babe?” Summer asks me, turning to greet me. When she leans in for what I assume is going to be a kiss, she gags instead and runs into the bathroom. I was pretty sure she was pregnant again, but that just proved it.

“What do think that was all about, button?”

“You stink. She did that earlier, too, but you really stink, so that’s probably it.”

“You go on and finish getting ready. We’ll be ready to leave at six-thirty,” I say looking at my watch.

“I’ll get Granny to help me,” she says, flitting off without looking back.

My parents live in the guest house off the pool. They love being around the kids, and if I am honest, it’s a built-in babysitting situation. I toss my work clothes in the designated hamper and walk into the bathroom naked. Summer looks up from brushing her teeth.

“How long have you known? I ask.

“Known, what?”

“That you’re pregnant,” I say, turning the shower on.

“I’m not…,” she pauses, thinking for a minute. “Son of a bitch, how the fuck do you that?”

“I know you baby. I know you and believe me, I know your body.”

“I know you do.

“You’ve made me the happiest man in the world. Giving me all these babies,” I say, pulling her closer to me.

“Well, you gave them to me too,” she says. I lean in and kiss her. She moans a little but pushes me away.

“Get in the shower. You really do, stink.” When I quirk an eyebrow at her, she continues. “You know that Desi talks really loudly.” She bursts into laughter as she leaves the bathroom.

“Funny,” I say getting in the shower.

By six-thirty, Desi, Summer, and I are in the car and headed over to the high school auditorium. The other kids are with my parents for homemade pizza night. When we arrive, Desi runs off with her friends backstage.

Our little ballerina dances perfectly, but she falls asleep in the car on the way home. I carry her inside and put her in bed. Our only other girl, Greta, is seven. They share a room even though they don’t want to. We have several extra bedrooms, just waiting to be filled.

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