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My Sheriff

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“Go on, get out of here,” she says, laughing. “But call me later.” I nod.

“Let’s go, Mere.” I smile at the sound of Dallas’ voice. It’s thicker than I’ve ever heard it. My pussy clenches and drips. Fuck, am I ever gonna get used to that?

“Uh-huh,” I say. I know I’m blushing. I lean over and kiss Kyle’s head softly before switching out the flip-flops for my socks and boots. Dallas helps me into my coat and spins me to face him. His lips land on mine. Mmm. Now that I’ve had a moment to process what happened between us, I know that it’ll never be enough. Once outside, I take in a deep breath.

“Give me your keys, baby,” he says holding his hand out. I drop them into his open palm. He leads me to the passenger seat of my tiny royal blue Volkswagen Beetle, and I climb in. I giggle uncontrollably when he folds himself into the driver’s seat. As soon as he turns the car on, AC/DC blares out of the speakers. “Ah, redemption,” he says, grinning at me.

“What’s that supposed to mean?” I ask, confused.

“This is much better than what you were listening to in there,” he says gesturing toward the bakery. I grin, but quickly hide it. I know I have an eclectic taste in music, but I don’t care.

“Hey. Don’t mess with my music. I love it all,” I say hotly.

“I am gonna love when you get all riled up,” he says putting the car in drive. Before I know it, we are at his house. It’s snowing again. Go figure. The inside of his house is bland, and everything is a weird tan color.

“I left it blank for you,” he says after seeing me looking around. My heart melts. He has lived in this drab place for over a year just so I could decorate it.

“That’s lovely,” I say. I can see splashes of color on the wall and toys scattered on the floor. I should probably slow down my thoughts, but I can’t. To busy myself, I take my shoes and socks off and wiggle my toes. Much better.

“How about a shower, baby?” he asks. I nod.

“Then what?”

“I’ll feed you, then we’ll spend the day in bed.”

“Sounds perfect,” I breathe. “But we could just skip to step three.” Our eyes connect and his flashes with lust.

“I should take care of you, baby.”

“You will, but right now, I need you again. It’s my birthday after all,” I say batting my eyelashes at him. Who needs food when you have a man like him?

“That it is,” he says stalking toward me like I’m his pray. I swallow hard, and every hair on my body stands on end. When he reaches me, he kisses me hard and then lifts me up like I weigh nothing. I kiss him again and he growls. We go down a hallway and he drops me on his bed. He pulls my pants down and tosses them across the room. I take my own shirt off. I’m in a hurry for him to be inside me again. Owning me. I feel a little awkward lying there, so exposed, but the way he’s looking at me has me getting over it quick. He kicks his shoes off, and strips. “Spread those thighs, baby. Let me see that pretty pink pussy.” I do what he asks. He grips his cock, stroking it. I flutter my fingers over my clit. “That’s it, baby. Show me. Make yourself come for me.” It doesn’t take much. I rub my clit in the way I know makes me come the fastest. His stare bores through me, and I fucking love it and him.

Chapter Four



Her long delicate fingers playing with her juicy cunt just about does me in. God, even her cherry red nail polish does it for me. She moans and sighs as she plays with her clit. My cock is throbbing in my hand. I am mad with desire. She has completely ruined me, just like I knew she would. I have been waiting for this day for what feels like forever. Now that she’s in my bed where she belongs, it feels a bit surreal. What did I do to deserve her? Whatever it was, I’m gonna do it until the day I die.

“Dallas help me. Please help me,” she begs, and I have no choice but to do as she asks. Climbing on the bed between her thighs, I plunge two fingers into her tight snatch. Her scream of delight is followed by a long moan that has my cock leaking onto my unmade bed. Her fingers dig into my shoulders, pulling me closer to her. I work my fingers inside her until she shatters around me. Pulling my fingers out of her, I suck them into my mouth.

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