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Confess (Sin City Salvation 1)

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“Naturally, during the course of the investigation, there was some information that came up, and it got me curious. Your maiden name was Gypsy Blue, correct?”

I offered him a stiff smile. “Yes, that’s correct.”

“The stepdaughter of Ricky Montoya, right?”

My face blanched, and he didn’t miss it, but I tried to regain my composure quickly. “Yes.”

“You wouldn’t happen to know anything about his murder, would you?”

At that point, Lucian stepped up beside me, gently removing my hand from the grasp of the detective. “What are you insinuating here?”

“It was a simple question,” Taylor answered, his eyes never leaving me.

“I heard he died,” I forced out. “But I had already left that place far behind when I got the news.”

His features softened, and he didn’t try to hide his sympathy. “There were a lot of accounts of what was going on in that house. If those were true, I might even say that whoever took him out did the world a favor.”

I didn’t answer, and Lucian’s response was to tighten his grip on my hand, a reminder that he was here. He wouldn’t let anything bad happen to me.

“It’s a shame that the state of California didn’t recognize the issues they were dealing with back then,” Taylor continued. “I think you’ll be happy to know that things are a lot different now. The laws have finally caught up with child trafficking. Although, if I had to guess, I would bet your stint in juvie was probably a welcome vacation at the time.”

“That’s enough,” Lucian growled. “If you have a point, get to it, or get out.”

Taylor nodded. “I’m not implying that Gypsy had anything to do with it; however, I would like to follow up with your sister, Birdie, if you could give me her whereabouts.”

My mouth was so dry, I couldn’t speak. I didn’t know how he found about Birdie, but he did. This was what we’d been running from for years, and it had finally caught up with us. For so long, I’d known that when it came down to it, I would take the fall. That was the only option I ever saw that was fair and just. Birdie couldn’t survive prison, and she would have never been in this position if it weren’t for me. The guilt of not doing something myself had consumed me for years.

I was too paralyzed to fix the situation myself, and now Birdie and I were both fucked up. But I didn’t know how to protect her anymore. Taking the blame was out of the question when I had the baby to think about. I wouldn’t give her up either, and when I looked at Lucian, he knew it.

“From my understanding,” he said, “they haven’t spoken in years.”

Taylor’s brows pinched together as he examined me. “Is that true? I have several accounts that the two of you were rather close.”

“We were.” I stared down at my shoes, thinking quick to spin the lie. “She got wrapped up in a guy I didn’t like. We argued about it, and I haven’t heard from her in a while. I figured that whenever she’s ready to talk, she’ll let me know. But I can tell you right now that she didn’t have anything to do with it either.”

Taylor seemed doubtful. “From what I heard, she was prone to bouts of rage.”

“Can you blame her?” I snapped.

Lucian rubbed his hand along my neck, and I did my best to refrain from telling Taylor exactly how repugnant Ricky Montoya was.

“Do you have a phone number for Birdie?” he asked.

I shook my head. “Sorry, I don’t.”

“How about an address?”

I blew out a breath. “That’s anyone’s guess. She could be anywhere in the country for all I know.”

“Hmm.” He looked between Lucian and I as he handed over another card with his information. “Well, if you do hear from her, I’d like to speak with her.”

“Of course.” My fingernails dug into my palm. “I’ll let her know if I hear from her, but it’s not likely.”

He nodded. “That’s okay. I’m sure I’ll track her down.”

“I DON’T KNOW YOU ALL that well.” My head dipped as I breathed through the pain in my chest. “But I feel like after everything, I can trust you, and I really hope that’s true.”

“As long as you’re Lucian’s wife, you have my loyalty,” Ace replied gruffly.

I looked up at him, my eyes blurry with hate for what I was about to do. I knew how much Birdie valued her freedom, and she wasn’t going to take kindly to this.

“I’ve tried to think of other options,” I said. “I tried to talk to her myself. She doesn’t listen. She’s reckless, and she puts herself at risk. She still refuses to leave even though it’s the best thing for her.”

“Leaving won’t solve her problems,” Ace answered. “Birdie still has a lot of growing up to do.”

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