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The Beast (Wicked Villains 4)

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Beast’s hand comes around me to get at the soap and then he’s touching me, scrubbing my back in broad strokes. It feels good, far better than it has right to. But then, I’m still hard as a rock. Anything would feel good at this point. Or at least that’s what I tell myself as I brace my hands on the tile and his touch turns leisurely.

I should recognize a trap when I see it.

“If her choice was so obvious, it wouldn’t have stretched out as long as it did. You were the one who left her.”

And then she left Beast.

No matter how torn up I feel, I’m not going to rip myself open for this man. I might trust him with my body, I might want to fuck him a truly absurd amount, I might even trust him at my back in a firefight, but Beast is not my friend. He’s not one to hold confidences without intending to use the vulnerability against me. “This pact was a mistake.”

“No, I don’t think so.” Beast’s hands move to my sides and then around to my chest. He’s not quite pressed against my back, but I can feel him a bare inch away. I go still, barely daring to breathe. His hands coast down my stomach and stop just short of my cock. He lowers his voice. “Are you furious about the past? Or are you furious because you want my cock in your ass again?”

“I don’t want you.” The lie doesn’t sound the least bit convincing.

“Don’t you?” The bastard still doesn’t move his hands, doesn’t continue the descent I desperately need him to. “You don’t want me to jack your cock right now?” I can hear the cruel smile in his voice. “You would say no if I got down on my knees and offered to suck you off?” Each word is a dark temptation brought to light. I stare unseeingly at the tile. I can’t breathe. I can’t fucking move. I can only stand here while he weaves this spell around me.

The barest brush of his cock against the bottom curve of my ass. “You don’t want to sink into Isabelle’s sweet little pussy while I pound your ass like I did last night?”

If I turn around, I’m going to kiss him. I’m going to do a whole lot more than kiss him. I try to regulate my breathing, but my body isn’t listening. I’m damn near gasping through each inhale and exhale. “What are you suggesting?”

“A pact of our own.” His fingertips graze my hipbones. “We close this triangle for the next thirteen days.”

I want that, but… “Why offer this?”

“I want to fuck you.” He says it like it’s the simplest thing in the world. He wants to fuck me, so he will. “You want to fuck me. There’s never been a better time to get it out of our system, if you want to call it that.”

It sounds reasonable and simple, which means it’s anything but. “You know better than most that sex is not that simple. Not with anyone. Especially not with us.”

“Gaeton.” His mouth brushes the spot between my shoulder blades, there and gone in an instant, and it’s everything I can do not to arch back into his touch to invite him to repeat the motion. “Stop thinking so hard about consequences and tell me what you want.”

“Fucking fine. I want you. I just don’t like it.”

“Welcome to the club.” Another slow drag of his mouth across the sensitive skin of my back and then his hand closes around the base of my cock. Not stroking. Just gripping me like he owns me. “Turn around.”

It’s a mistake. I know it’s a mistake even as I obey his command. He doesn’t release my cock as I turn, just uses his hold to urge me back until I’m pressed against the cool tile. “You didn’t get yours earlier.”

No, I didn’t, but that’s the least of my issues right now and Beast knows it. He’s offering me a gift of sorts, a distraction from the shit all tangled up in my chest. This isn’t simple, but compared to dealing with my conflicted feelings about Isabelle, it’s a walk in the park. “You offering to get me off?”

“Something like that.” His lips curve the smallest amount and that same amusement I glimpsed earlier flickers through his eyes.

Fuck, but he’s pretty. It’s easy to forget that because he’s so hard, but right now, the only hard thing about Beast is his cock. I swallow past my suddenly dry throat. “Be my guest.”

Beast doesn’t move. “Say yes.”

As if I’m in danger of saying anything else. “Hell yes. Suck me off, you bastard. Make it good.”

He sinks to his knees as gracefully as any subbie despite the thick scar across his thigh that gives him pain when it rains. Strange that I know so much about a man I used to want dead more than anything else in the world. I didn’t realize back then that Beast wasn’t the issue with my relationship with Isabelle. He wasn’t the fatal flaw. I’m still not sure what was, even after all this time. Maybe it was her independence, her aversion to being tied down in anything resembling a life with a white picket fence or whatever the fuck normal people wanted. As if I’d know where to begin to offer her that life.

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