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A Billionaire's Marriage Deal

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“I’m not boring you?”

“Never. You make me feel like life is one big adventure.”

“Who me? I don’t just look like a geek?”

He kissed her. “Julia Anderson, you look perfect to me.”

“I may wear an elven robe to our product launch. Since I’m newly liberated and all.”

“I’ll still think you look perfect.”

“Oh, really?”

“Yes,” he said. “Because you’re you. And you can never be anything less than perfect to me.”


LAUNCHING AN ENTIRELY new line of cars was a pretty huge deal. And considering all the pretty huge deals Julia Anderson had experienced in her life, that was saying something. Computers, phones, tablets, true love…yeah, her life had been pretty full so far.

She looked out at the crowd, thousands of people filling the auditorium, and millions watching online, and took a deep breath, ready to get started unveiling the new line of Julerro automobiles. Julia had nearly gagged on that name, but when you said it fast, it really did work.

She sneaked a glance at her reflection in the monitors. Strange to be in color, bright pink in fact, for a presentation, but…she didn’t need to avoid any colors anymore. She didn’t need to try to blend in.

“Thank you for coming today to the product launch of what, I believe to be the biggest and best endeavor for both Datasphere and Anfalas.”

The screen behind her flickered, and rather than the new logo for the company, Ferro’s face appeared.

She turned and put her hands on her hips. “Um…excuse me, I seem to be getting interrupted. Mr. Calvaresi, you’re aware that this is a product launch you have a stake in, aren’t you?”

Ferro had elected to have her do the speaking for the launch, since she was more experienced in “spectacle.” She should have been suspicious at his willingness to share the spotlight.

Really, she should have been. She knew him well enough by now to know that she couldn’t trust the man worth a darn. Except when it came to the important things like love, faithfulness and accepting her for who she was. On that score she could trust him perfectly.

“I am completely aware of that, Ms. Anderson. I’m not here to interrupt the launch. Much.” He stood from wherever he was and disappeared from the screen, leaving only an empty chair and a black background.

“My partner,” she said to the crowd, “seems to be acquiring some of my flair for the dramatic. Who knew he had it in him?”

Then she heard footsteps and looked to the left, to see Ferro walking out from behind the curtain. He was immaculate and perfect in a suit and tie—black, of course, her favorite color.

“I got an idea in my head last night and I just couldn’t shake it,” he said.

“It’s too late to make any changes to the car.”

The audience laughed and she was sure they thought it was scripted.

“That’s not it. I have a question I need to ask and it can’t wait, not for another moment.”

“All right then, Calvaresi,” she said, starting to tremble, “you better ask before the nice people get bored.”

Ferro lowered himself to one knee in front of her, taking her hand in his. “Julia, I have spent my life alone. But this past year with you has erased all of it. I can’t remember what it’s like to be cold at night. All I know is what it feels like to go to sleep with your arms wrapped around me. I can’t remember ever feeling detached, because with you, I feel everything. I want to be with you, always. You have blotted out my past, made me feel new. Clean. You have made my present happy, beautiful. Now I’m asking you to be my future, always. Julia will you marry me, and make me the happiest man alive?”

Julia sank down to her knees, too, not caring that there was a massive audience looking on. Nothing mattered but him, but this. “You know, you’ve pulled some pretty crazy stunts, but this…this wins.”

“It only wins if you say yes.” He reached into his pocket and pulled out a ring box. She couldn’t even be bothered to look at the jewelry. She was too busy looking at his eyes, shining with so much emotion, so much love, it warmed her everywhere.

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