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A Billionaire's Marriage Deal

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“Paige, I don’t…I can’t offer you anything.”

“Oh, you mean you can’t offer me anything other than a temporary marriage to help me keep custody of my daughter? You can’t offer me anything more than that and multiple orgasms? Is that what you mean?”

“Paige,” he growled.

“Get into bed, Dante.”

“I don’t…” He was about to tell her. To tell her that his lovers did not share his bed. His lovers didn’t usually enter his home.

But the words stuck in his throat. He should tell her, tell her that if she wanted sex, she could have it, but if she wanted to make love she would have to look somewhere else. But for the first time in his memory, the blunt words, the true words, stuck in his throat.

He stood. “I need to go and take care of things.”

She nodded, her hands clutching the covers like talons, as if proving to him that she was well and truly rooted to the spot.

He walked into the bathroom and disposed of the condom, then for the second time in only a few days, he gripped the edge of the sink and regarded the man in the mirror.

He released his hold and straightened, turning away from his reflection. And he weighed which sin would be greater. To give her what she asked for, with no intention, no ability, to offer emotion. Or to show her now, that with him, there would be no softness.

He walked back into the bedroom, his chest tightening when he saw Paige, deep in the blankets, rolled onto her side, her eyes open.

“You did come back,” she said.

“I did,” he said.

His stomach tightened, painfully, a raw, intense tremor of terror working its way beneath his skin and straight into his heart. The closer he got to the bed, the sharper the feeling became.

He stopped, trying to catch his breath. She looked…angelic. Her lips swollen and flushed pink, her skin still flushed, too. Her blue eyes filled with an innocent expectancy, a need that he knew he could never meet.

And still, the desire to slide beneath the sheets and tug her bare body against his was strong. The need to feast on her beauty, to sate himself on that need, so great, so powerful, it threatened to take over.

He took a step backward. “You are welcome to stay in here for the night, Paige,” he said, his words stilted. “But I have work to do.”

He bent and retrieved his pants from the floor, tugged them on, then did the same with his shirt. And without looking back, he walked out of the room and closed the door firmly behind him.

* * *

Paige opened her eyes slowly, squinting against the light coming through the curtains. Her first thought was that it was strange that Ana hadn’t woken up.

Her next thought was about how strange it was that she was naked. She never slept naked. She wore her pajamas. But she hadn’t last night.

Oh, yes, and now she remembered, very, very clearly why she hadn’t worn pajamas.

Dante. His hands. His mouth. His body. He was…everything a man should be. No wonder she’d been so fascinated with him for so long. Somehow, some part of her, must have known, instinctively, that that man was capable of giving pleasure that went well beyond anything she’d previously imagined.

A smile curved her lips. Okay, so she hadn’t waited for marriage, or even true love, which she was sure her perfect sister had done. But it had been worth it. So, so worth it.

She pushed away the dreaded suspicion that she might feel differently about it later, and instead, focused on the warm satisfaction that was still resting in her body. She shifted and winced. Oh, yeah, there was also a little bit of ow resting in her body, but that seemed worth it, too.

Her muscles hurt. And so did…things that had never hurt before.

She rolled over and realized that the sheets were cold where Dante should have been. And then she remembered him walking out, his expression shuttered, blank, and she wondered if he had ever come back to bed.

The door to the bedroom swung open and Dante entered, wearing the clothes from the night before.

“Good morning,” she said, feeling slightly less blissful than she had a second earlier.

He frowned. “It is morning.” He tugged his shirt up over his head and her brain stalled at watching the play of perfect, golden skin over shifting muscles.

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