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Captivated by the Millionaire

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She nodded. “That’s correct. I have a bit of a reputation around town.”

“Nice try,” he teased. “Your intimidation tactics won’t work on me, I’m afraid.”

“Let the record show then that I gave you ample opportunity to back out,” she said with another laugh. “Prepare to be humiliated, my dear sir.”

“I suppose we shall see, won’t we?” He placed a hand against the small of her back and led her toward the line. The warmth of her skin under his palm sent a responding warmth through his skin. Her cropped shirt was just short enough that he could feel a small expanse of her skin. Smooth, silky. She had to feel that way all over, he had no doubt.

The three of them stood in line for just a few minutes before it was their turn. He turned to pick Sonya up and deposit her in a boat. But when he went to step into it, his sister shook her head. Then she pointed to Jess.

She wanted Jess to ride with her.

Jordan wasn’t sure whether to be touched or feel wary. Though Elise was a competent and efficient caregiver to Sonya, the woman wasn’t one to show much affection. Clearly, Sonya was sensing an underlying vibe from Jess that drew her. And it seemed to be happening quickly.

Don’t really blame you, kid.

But it was something he had to think about. Her life had been altered so completely and so often over the past couple of years, even the slightest further upheaval could be harmful.

He held his hand out toward Jess and she complied without any hesitation. She felt light in his arms as he lifted her. For the briefest instant, their eyes met as he held her. An electricity crackled between them that she had to have noticed, as well. Wordlessly, he assisted Jess into the boat his sister occupied then found one for himself and climbed in.

There was no clear victor by the time they each got out. All three of them were soaking wet.

Sonya was laughing so hard, Jordan wondered if she might actually topple over. He couldn’t recall the last time he’d heard her laugh like that. Then he looked in Jess’s direction and he had to suck in his breath. Now that her clothes were wet, they clung to her like a second skin. And they accentuated every luscious curve. The bikini he’d imagined her in earlier couldn’t have been as enticing as the picture she made right now. She shook some of the water out of her hair and he had to clench his fist to keep from reaching over and running his fingers through her thick, rich curls.

He bit out a curse under his breath. He had no business having such thoughts, here of all places.

“Thank goodness it’s a warm night,” Jess said through her laughter.

“They could add to their profits if they sold towels.”

“We should put that idea in the suggestion box.” Suddenly, she stilled and put a hand to her mouth.

“What is it?”

“It just occurred to me that we’ll have to crawl into your car soaking wet. Jordan, I’m so sorry. That car has to be terribly expensive.”

He brushed off her concern with a wave of his hand. Truth be told, he had other things to worry about right now than the leather bucket seats of his convertible getting a little damp.

For one, he had to figure out how to avoid looking at the appealing woman that stood beside him looking dangerously sexy in her clingy, wet clothing.

“Don’t worry about that,” he reassured her.

“Still, we should at least try to dry out a little before we get back in.”

That suited him just fine. Again, he found he didn’t want the time to end.

Jess knew it was simply a matter of time before they ran into someone she knew. It was a common phenomenon at Bimby’s. No real surprise given the popularity of the place and the nature of the community that housed it. They’d decided to take a walk around the establishment in the hopes that the dry evening air would at least make some small progress in lessening how wet their clothes were. Sure enough, she heard a familiar voice behind them calling out her name.

“Jess? I thought that was you.” When she reached them, Clara had a toddler in tow. Her granddaughter. The older woman took in the sight of the three of them and her mouth curved into a smile. “I see you’ve all been on the bumper boats.”

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