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Captivated by the Millionaire

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Again, none of this was any of his concern. He had to keep reminding himself of that. Yep. Dinner with Jess had definitely been a mistake. He’d be sure to make better decisions in the future as far as she was concerned. After all, he had more than himself to consider now. He was in charge of a child. One whom he’d already let down in the most unforgivable way imaginable.

* * *

To think the evening had started so pleasant and cordial. They’d even had some kind of moment while playing mini-golf. And then Jordan had tried to hoist her off on another man for a ride as soon as he’d had the chance. Sitting in his passenger seat now, the ride back to his place seemed to be taking forever. The only sound in the car was Sonya’s rhythmic, steady breathing in the backseat. If she hadn’t already fallen asleep back there, she certainly was close.

Well, Jess wasn’t going to try and break the silence. Damned if she would be the one to start speaking first. She’d be too tempted to curse if she did.

Finally, they pulled into the paved circular driveway of Jordan’s Mediterranean-style mansion complete with plaster columns and an upper balcony above the front double doors. The house was lit up with floodlights now that the sun had set.

Jess got out of the car when Jordan came to a stop and opened Sonya’s car door for her. The child got out rubbing her eyes. Yeah, she was beyond beat. Jess crouched down in front of her as Jordan came to stand a few feet away behind his sister.

“Good night, Sonya. I hope you had fun.”

Sonya smiled at her. “Let’s get you cleaned up and into bed.” Jordan spoke behind them. “Then I’ll tuck you in.”

But when Jess stood to leave, Sonya grabbed her hand. She seemed to struggle as her mouth quivered. Then floored her by actually speaking. “Jeth do ee.”

Jess do it.

Oh, heavens. Jess had never heard the child try to speak until now. And she was doing so to ask Jess to get her ready for bed.

There was no mistaking the shock that flooded over Jordan’s features. Well, she was pretty surprised herself. She gave Jordan a questioning look above Sonya’s head. She may be mad at him, but she wasn’t about to usurp a decision that was clearly his to make. He came to stand by her and touched his sister on the shoulder.

“You’re saying you want Jess to help you into bed?”

The little girl didn’t hesitate and nodded with solemn determination.

Jordan let out a deep sigh as he rubbed his hand down his face before crouching down in front of his sister. “I’m sure Jess is tired, sport. Why don’t we let her be on her way?”

The irritation she’d felt for him earlier fled like a flock of migrant birds. To his credit, Jordan really was trying to do right by Sonya.

The little girl nodded and dropped her chin to her chest, but not before Jess noticed the clear tell of sudden tears in her eyes. Damn it.

“Come on, kiddo,” Jordan continued, “we don’t want to end such a pleasant day on this solemn note, do we?”

Sonya slowly shook her head but didn’t look up from staring at her toes. Jordan lifted his head to look at her then. The depth of emotion in his eyes took Jess’s breath away. It was tearing him up inside that he had to disappoint his sister. Jess didn’t give herself time to think. She gave him a small nod. “It would be my pleasure to help Sonya into bed, if it’s okay with you,” she said softly, so that only he could hear her.

Gratitude flooded his features and the look he gave her nearly knocked the breath out of her lungs.

Jordan quickly signed to Sonya. This time the little girl gave a wide smile before reaching for Jess’s hand. She’d made the right decision, hadn’t she? After all, she was simply putting a child to bed after she’d been asked.

Together, the three of them made their way up the front steps and into the house.


“PLEASE JUST HELP her get as cleaned up as possible,” Jordan instructed as they approached the circular stairway. “A bath would be ideal but she’s likely to fall asleep in the water as exhausted as she is.”

Jess nodded. “Got it.”

“After she brushes her teeth, it’s just a matter of getting her into bed with a picture book for a few minutes before lights out.”

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