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Their Festive Island Escape

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An appealing, successful, handsome man was asking to spend time with her on various island adventures but his only objective was her business acumen.

That shouldn’t have bothered her as much as it did. But that was a silly notion, it wasn’t like she and Reid were friends or anything. In fact, a few short days ago, she would have listed him as one of the few people on earth who actually may not even like her.

“Why me?” she asked. There had to be other individuals he could ask. A man like Reid was unlikely to be lacking in female companionship. No doubt he had a girlfriend. Hadn’t she just recently stumbled upon a social media posting of Reid accompanying a famous international pop star to some Hollywood gala event? In the photo, he’d had his arm wrapped around her waist as she looked up at him adoringly, clearly smitten. What would she think about another woman spending the whole day traipsing around a beautiful island with her man? If their roles were reversed, Celeste didn’t think she’d appreciate the circumstances one bit.

Then again, any woman lucky enough to snare Reid was probably more than secure with herself and her status as his girlfriend.

That wayward thought led her to other unwanted ones. She imagined what it would be like to date a man like him. What it would mean if he was sitting here asking her to do these things with her simply because he wanted to spend time with her.

What his lips would feel against hers if he ever were to kiss her.

Dear saints! What in the world was wrong with her? Was it simply because she’d been without a man for so long? Perhaps it was the romantic, exotic location. Something had to be causing such uncharacteristic behavior on her part.

Why hadn’t she just said no already? Was she really even entertaining the idea?

She wasn’t exactly the outdoors type. Or much of an athlete, for that matter. Sure, she’d scaled countless fences during her youth trying to outrun the latest neighborhood bully after defending her younger sister. And she’d developed some really quick reflexes averting touchy men in city shelters. But that was about the extent of it.

Reid answered her, breaking into the dangerous thoughts. “Think about it. Between your professional credentials and the fact that you take frequent tropical vacations, you’re actually the perfect person to accompany me.”

Again, nothing but logic behind his reasoning. On the surface, she’d be a fool to turn down such an exciting opportunity; the chance to experience so much more of what the island had to offer and, in the process, acquire a host of memories she’d hold for a lifetime. It was as if he really was Santa and he had just handed her a gift most women would jump at.

Still, she couldn’t bring herself to say yes. Not right away.

“I’ll need to, Reid. Think about it, that is.”

His eyes clouded with disappointment but he gave her a small nod. “As you wish.”

* * *

She could think of nothing else.

Celeste vowed she would take her time and weigh all the pros and cons before getting back to Reid with her decision. So why did she now find herself in the resort’s retail surf shop? Why was she eyeing water shoes that someone would need if she were to go waterfall climbing? And why was there a one-piece swimsuit draped over her arm? She’d only packed two-pieces or tankinis and those wouldn’t be terribly conducive to water sports or rock climbing.

So many questions. Like had she imagined it, or had Reid indeed held her just a smidge longer than necessary when they’d collided in his office? That lingering uncertainty was what had her debating the merits of accepting his offer.

Her unexpected attraction to him was throwing her off balance. Reid represented everything in her life that she’d vowed to move on from. He and her ex weren’t terribly similar below the surface but they were cut from the same cloth; wealthy, privileged, carefree. They’d been lifelong friends, for heaven’s sake.

Reid may be a successful hospitality industry tycoon but men like him didn’t understand women like her. They didn’t get what it took to succeed in life when you’d literally started with nothing. Or what it was like to try to hold a near full-time job during high school and still maintain your grades well enough. Or when your single parent couldn’t earn enough to make ends meet, which meant that you and your younger sister often went hungry. Or without adequate shelter.

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