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For Their Child's Sake

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For as determined and persistent as Sam was, he was also uncomplicated. Those words summed up his essential being.

She knew he wanted to help and be their supportive rock. There was no doubting the love he had for Marley. He’d always treated her as his own because in Sam’s world she was his.

But part of Tara couldn’t help but worry that when things got too tough or things did not resolve quickly enough with Marley, would he head to the pills? Would he be able to handle life’s obstacles all on his own and not revert to the old Sam? That addiction might have started from an accident and a simple prescription, but he’d turned to them later when he just couldn’t cope.

That was one risk she couldn’t take. Not for Marley, not for herself and mostly not for the man she still loved with her whole heart. She had to keep him pushing forward and the only way she knew how was to keep him at a distance.

Tara folded the letter neatly and put it into the envelope. She crossed to her dresser and opened the top drawer, laying the envelope with the stack of the others.

Despite what happened between them, she had kept every single letter he ever wrote to her. Call her sentimental, or perhaps just someone wanting to hold on to the one perfect thing about their relationship, but she needed those letters. It was the only way she remained connected to him emotionally without anyone truly knowing how she felt.

Tara went to her closet to grab a different shirt and quickly changed before heading downstairs. Squeals of laughter came from the backyard and Tara glanced out to see Sam and Marley being chased by Daisy. An instant flash of when Sam had first come into their lives slid into her mind. Marley had instantly taken to Sam and he to her. They had a stronger bond than most blood relatives and their little family had been picture-perfect. She’d never imagined anything could rip them apart.

Swallowing the lump in her throat, Tara shifted her focus from the scene outside and started preparing lunch. All of this time she had been worried about how Sam would deal with the situation of living here again, but what she really needed to worry about was herself. Letting go of the pain would be too easy, but she could not do that again. She would always love him, but she’d learned a tough life lesson that you can still love someone and have to set them free.

She just wished it didn’t hurt so damn bad.

* * *

He wasn’t sure if he was an utter fool or if this was a brilliant plan. Possibly a healthy dose of both, but what did he have to lose?

Sam stood outside of Marley’s bedroom door as Tara started tucking her in for the night. He missed these days. Even though his time here was temporary, he was glad he was here for the nightly regime where he’d come in and kiss his daughter good-night.

Though he’d never quite done anything like what was about to happen.

Sam glanced at himself, thankful that nobody else could see him at the moment. Gray and Noah would never have let him live this down. Hell, any man he’d ever known wouldn’t have let him forget his state of dress.

But there wasn’t anything he wouldn’t do for his family and acting like a fool fell right into that category.

He eased the door open and cleared his throat to get the attention of his girls. Tara glanced up, her mouth dropping open, her eyes wide. Marley had the exact reaction he was hoping for. She burst into laughter and rolled on her bed, kicking her feet.

“Well, those are different pajamas,” Tara said with a wide smile on her face and a gleam in her eye he hadn’t seen in far too long. “Is this something new you’re trying?”

That smile was like a punch to his gut. “You don’t like my coconut bra and grass skirt?”

“I love it, Daddy,” Marley squealed as she hopped off her bed. She wrapped her arms around him and Sam hugged her as he met Tara’s questioning gaze.

“I figured this was the best way to tell you I booked our beach trip.” Sam patted Marley and smoothed her hair beneath his palm. “Well, I could’ve told you, but I figured this was better.”

“I don’t even want to know where you got it,” Tara muttered, shaking her head. She came to her feet and tucked her hair behind her ears. “I was looking into something similar. But I admit I never would’ve thought to announce it this way.”

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