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For Their Child's Sake

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“Your silence is unnerving,” she murmured into the dark.

“Do you want to discuss what happened in the bathroom? Because we’re both replaying it in our heads.”

Tara shifted and a moment later her head came to the crook of his arm. Stunned, Sam hesitated before he wrapped his arm around her. A warm, wet tear tickled his bare skin.


“Just give me tonight. I’ll be strong again tomorrow.”

Her words gutted him and he tightened his hold as he turned his body into hers. “You don’t have to be strong all the time. We need to lean on each other.”

“I can’t afford to,” she whispered.

Who was she trying to protect? Marley? Herself? Him? Was she playing the martyr because she felt there was no other choice?

Sam refused to let her feel empty and alone ever again. He was back and back for good. He’d already gotten on his feet, was making decent money with a job he was proud of, and the next step was getting his family back.


* * *

Something heavy landed on her. No, make that something heavy and wet.

Tara lifted one eye and peered over her shoulder. Daisy had wedged her way between Sam and her and was currently dripping slobber on Tara’s shoulder.

“Daisy,” Tara cried. “Off the bed.”

Sam jumped up and raked a hand over his eyes and through his hair. “Come on, Daisy. Let’s go outside.”

So much for a beautiful sunrise that morning. She’d slept through it and had been awakened by a drooling beast who needed to go pee.

“Sorry, Mommy.”

Marley stepped into the room and climbed up on the bed, as well. “I didn’t think you wanted me taking her out by myself.”

“You’re fine, sweetie,” Sam stated as he pulled on a pair of running shorts and a tee. “I’ll take Daisy to the bathroom. Then you and I will make your mom breakfast in bed.”

Sam snapped his fingers and Daisy followed him from the room.

Marley squealed and clapped her hands. “I must be doing better, huh?”

Tara sat up and smoothed Marley’s crazy bed head away from her face. “What do you mean?”

“You and Daddy are sleeping in the same bed instead of him watching over me,” Marley explained. “I guess since I’ve remembered things, I’m doing better and you’re not worried.”

Not worried? Tara’s list of worries was quickly growing and last night’s weakness on her part only confused her more. She’d thought she could take comfort from Sam, and she had, but then everything had felt so good, so right. From making love to having him hold her and not try to convince her to take him back.

No, Sam wouldn’t try to convince her with words. He was all actions and she was wearing down.

“You are doing better every single day.” Tara wrapped her arms around her daughter and squeezed her tight. “The memories are coming slowly, but that’s okay. You’re healthy and no more headaches.”

“I have an idea.” Marley smiled. “What if we make Daddy breakfast? He always cooks. At least, I think he does.”

It was true. When they all lived together, Sam had done the majority of the cooking with Marley as his trusty sidekick. Tara nodded and urged Marley to hop up.

“It’s a great idea,” Tara stated, following her daughter off the bed. “Let’s see what’s in there and we’ll surprise him.”

Tara had taken the time she needed last night. She had leaned on and used Sam for his strength and his support. But now she was back and needed to remain grounded and stay on course. She wasn’t going to wait around for Sam to do things for her, even something as sweet and simple as breakfast in bed. But she was going to show her affection by spoiling him just a bit.

Just because she couldn’t take him back didn’t mean they couldn’t work on a solid friendship. That would be best for all of them, actually. Because that was the best option at this point. Having Sam out of her life completely wasn’t a possibility; she simply didn’t think she could bear it again. But letting him into her life fully, back into her home, simply couldn’t be.

Tara loved him so much, that letting him in could ultimately damage them both in the long run. As crazy as that sounded, she’d learned the hard way exactly what tough love was and now she had to live with her decision.

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