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For Their Child's Sake

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Once the shudders stopped, Tara relaxed against him. Sam wrapped her in his arms and never wanted to let go. The sun had all but set now, yet the light from the living room filtered down the hall. At some point they’d have to get up and clean the mess from the patio and make sure Daisy hadn’t eaten the kitchen, but for now, he was more than happy to deal with all the chaos later.

Tara rolled to her side and lay in the crook of his arm, her hand settled over his heart.

“I guess you forgive me for earlier,” she joked.

Sam smiled. “I forgave you when you said it. I understand why you were concerned.”

She lifted her head and rested it on her fist. “You’re really a changed man, but the same...if that makes sense.”

He knew exactly what she meant. He was the same, but so very different. He’d learned so much about himself over the past year. That you could get knocked down and be utterly defeated and still rise out of the ashes stronger than ever.

Sam trailed his fingertips up and down her spine. “I had to change. I had to be the man you and Marley need. I had to be a man I was proud of. I can look in the mirror and not be ashamed anymore.”

“Sam.” Her whispered breath tickled his chest. “I don’t even know what to say.”

“You don’t need to say anything,” he assured her. “I had to get better because I wanted to, not because anyone else wanted me to. And I knew if I didn’t, then I’d never get my family back.”

Her lids fluttered as she let out a sigh. He didn’t want to hear what she had to say, so he pushed on.

“You don’t have to reply,” he added. “But you need to know where I stand. You need to know I’m not giving up on us.”

Tara opened her eyes and granted him a soft smile. “Maybe I’m not ready to give up on us, either.”

Sam didn’t know that he could feel such relief, such elation—and too many other emotions to label—all at once. He wrapped his arms around Tara and rolled her onto her back.

“Say it again,” he demanded. “Say you want to give us another chance.”

She stared at him, her eyes misting as she framed his face with her hands. “I’m scared, Sam. What if—”

He nipped at her lips. “We’re not playing that game. The only thing that’s going to happen is we’re going to work on this family and be one unit again. Marley’s memories will return and we’ll be stronger than ever.”

“You make me want to believe it’s really going to happen.”

Sam took her lips, slowly coaxing her mouth open to let him in. Her fingers threaded through his hair; her legs shifted to let him settle between her thighs.

Sam lifted his head just enough to whisper, “Believe it. You deserve nothing less than everything I plan on giving.”

* * *

Tara had taken the biggest leap of her life the previous night. Waking with Sam next to her, knowing this wasn’t a farce anymore, was both scary and positively glorious. She hadn’t had such a burst of hope in so long; she actually felt optimistic about the future.

Sam had gone into the office that morning and Marley was on her way home. Things were slowly turning around and Tara planned on making sure from this moment on that her family came first. She and Sam were determined to make this work and as stubborn as they were, there was no way they would fail...she prayed.

The front door burst open and Marley came rushing in.

“Mom, look at my nails,” she yelled.

Daisy took off toward the front door as Carol stepped inside. “Oh, my. This is one big dog.”

Tara walked over to Daisy and grabbed her collar before the overly excited dog could slobber too much on Carol’s shoes.

“She’s a bit large,” Tara agreed. “But that makes for the best cuddling. You know, when the drool is somewhat under control.”

Marley bounced up and down, waving her hands. “Look, look. Rainbow colors.”

Carol laughed. “She insisted.”

“They’re beautiful,” Tara said as she admired the yellow, blue, pink and purple nails. “Why don’t you take Daisy outside and let me talk with your grandma a minute.”

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