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Between Marriage and Merger

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Lily’s favorite spot in the city was a bookstore specializing in romance novels. “Petticoats and Proposals. You know all my tricks, don’t you?”

“I try. I pay attention. It’s a long-lost art, you know.”

Their gazes connected and Lily’s heart took up residence in her throat, pounding like crazy. Boom boom. Boom boom. It was as if Noah’s eyes were magnetized, pulling on her, not allowing her to look anywhere else. She wanted to put the world on Pause and simply stare into them for a few hours. In between kisses of course. If she was going to slip into a fantasy world, she might as well make it exactly what she wanted it to be.

“It’s because I can’t stop talking about it.”

“I’m sure that’s not the reason.” Noah cleared his throat and looked away for a moment. “Thanks for coming today. Charlotte couldn’t deal with the wedding and the baby on the way. I’m actually happy for her. I wouldn’t want to deal with all of those plans either. It seems like such an ordeal and then it’s all over.”

“Yeah. Me neither.” Noah didn’t know the half of it. And no amount of paying attention was going to get Lily to talk about it. Some things were better left buried.

“Okay, then. See you Monday.”

“Yep. Have a good weekend.” Lily smiled and walked away. Exactly like it didn’t hurt at all to distance herself from Noah Locke.

* * *

Working with Lily, Mondays were always the hardest. Noah had endured a few days away from her, and his ability to keep himself together had worn off. Today seemed like an especially difficult start to the week. He couldn’t even look at her.

“You’re in early for a Monday,” she said, with her usual happy singsong. She was standing in his office doorway, undoubtedly stunning.

“Some emergency meeting about the Hannafort Hotels deal. Charlotte’s coming in for it, too. Not sure if she told you, but we’ve cut her in since she made the initial introduction.” Noah still hadn’t raised his sights, but he could see in his periphery that Lily was wearing her blue sweater. The blue sweater. The one that not only showed off every beguiling curve she possessed, but the one that really brought out her mesmerizing sapphire eyes.

“Oh. Okay. Let me drop my things, check email and I’ll be right in.”

“Sounds good.” As if the sweater weren’t bad enough, he couldn’t avoid her heavenly scent. The faintest trace of it floated in the air when she left the room—sweet and sunny, just like her. His iron will was going to have to work doubly hard today.

“Unless there’s something you need right now,” she added.

He could hear her drumming her fingers on the door casing. For a moment, he imagined those delicate hands unbuttoning his shirt, touching the bare skin of his chest. He had to stop that train of thought right there or he’d lose it. “I’m good. Take your time.”

With that, Lily disappeared from view. Noah sat back in his chair and a heavy exhale rushed from his lungs. This is becoming impossible.

Even after two years, Noah’s love/hate relationship when it came to working with Lily wasn’t getting any easier. He loved seeing her face every day, the way she lit up the office and managed to diffuse tense situations, but he hated how she could turn him into a blithering idiot. He hated being in enclosed spaces with her, like the elevator, where it took superhuman strength to keep from telling her how badly he wanted to kiss her. He hated having this all bottled up inside him. It wasn’t how he operated with women.

But if ever a woman was off-limits, Lily was. She was a dream employee, clever and capable, a quick learner who was also organized and meticulous. She was too valuable to Locke and Locke, the company Noah owned and operated with his brother, Sawyer. As Sawyer had said many times, Lily might be uncommonly lovely and smart and kind, but Noah needed to keep his tongue in his mouth and his eyes in his head. To compensate, he’d been letting his eyes and his mouth wander elsewhere. It helped, but only a little.

“Okay. I’m back.” Lily waltzed into his office and started straightening papers on his desk. She knew exactly how he liked things, and he’d never even had to tell her. She’d simply picked up on his preferences.

“Good weekend?” he asked, making small talk and sneaking a single glance. Her golden blond hair in a low twist brought attention to her lithe and graceful neck. He loved the naughty librarian aspect of it. He wanted her to peer at him over reading glasses and tell him to be quiet.

“The usual.”

“Friday night at the romance bookstore?”

“I can sit there for hours and get lost in love stories.”

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