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Between Marriage and Merger

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His lips brushed hers and she went in for one of Noah’s mind-bending kisses—where constructs like time and place mean nothing. They pressed against each other, her hand dug into his hair. She was only vaguely aware of what was going on around them. People milled about, but she didn’t care. They were engaged, dammit, and if people couldn’t handle a public display of affection, that was too bad.

Noah pulled back, his mouth sexily slack. “We need to slow down or I won’t be able to walk out of here without embarrassing myself.”

She loved having that effect on him. It was not only a total turn-on, it made her want to give him the night of his life. “Why don’t you get your driver to bring your car around? So we can go to your place.”

* * *

Noah had never heard sweeter words. He’d been certain she was determined to keep things as they’d been before Florida, but apparently not. Unfortunately, he saw trouble out of the corner of his eye—tall and gorgeous and for the life of him, he couldn’t remember her name. Whatever it was, she was definitely a woman he’d dated and she was zeroing in on him like a heat-seeking missile.

“Noah Locke, you are a royal jerk.” The woman swished her long brown hair over her shoulder.

“I’m sorry?” It was the only thing he could think to say. The look of horror on Lily’s face was making it hard to think straight.

“Was I not clear? You’re a jerk. I saw the pictures in the tabloids. We went out two weeks ago and now you’re engaged to be married? So what was I? A little something on the side?” The woman directed her sights at Lily. “I hope that ring is worth it, because I’m not sure he is. Unless you want to be treated as if you’re disposable.”

Lily sat a little straighter, but didn’t say a thing. She merely cocked an eyebrow at Noah.

Noah scooted out of the booth and stood. “I’m sorry, but I’m going to have to ask you to leave. My fiancée and I are trying to enjoy ourselves.”

“I’m sure you’re not used to women calling you out on your crap, but somebody needs to do it. I hope the marriage works out, because I think you’ve run out of single women in Manhattan anyway.” With that, she stormed off.

Noah plopped down, unsure of what had just happened, but certain that was his pride she’d ground into the floor. “I’m so sorry. That has never happened. Well, almost never.”

“You certainly increase your odds when you go out with enough women to warrant a tabloid video.”

“You know that’s not me.”

“I do know that. It still doesn’t make what just happened any better.”

“She was terrible, wasn’t she?”

Lily squinted at him. “What? No. That’s not what I was saying. She felt used, Noah. No woman should feel like that. Do you have any idea how many times I’ve been that woman?”

“Approaching a former boyfriend in a bar and making a scene?”

“No. The spurned lover. The woman who gets dumped by the handsome guy who can have whatever and whomever he wants. I’ve been in her shoes and it’s not fun. I nearly made room for her to sit and offered to buy her a drink. Or at least tell her that our engagement isn’t what it appears to be.”

“It’s not my fault if other guys treated you badly.”

“This is not about me. But for the record, I have several of those. It’s not fun to be yanked around.”

“Hey. I didn’t yank her around. I don’t do that. I’m always up-front. I’m always clear it’s not serious. Sawyer practically drilled that into my head.”

A breathy laugh left Lily’s lips. “And you’re going to keep walking in Sawyer’s footsteps? He managed to figure out that wasn’t the way to live his life.”

Noah felt as though Lily had plunged a dagger into his heart. Yes, he looked up to Sawyer. How could he not? Sawyer was the one positive male role model in his life. So, yes, they’d shared the same attitude toward women—don’t get involved, don’t buy into that moment when everything is new and it’s easy to get swept away. Their dad had made an embarrassing habit of that, leaving a trail of broken hearts in his wake.

“I don’t need you to psychoanalyze me, especially not on this topic. There’s plenty you don’t know.”

“Seriously? I’ve had to spend the last two years hearing you sweet-talk women over the phone or even worse, bring them by the office. I know exactly what your modus operandi is.” She grabbed her purse and coat and scooted out of the booth. “I’m just going to take a cab home. Good night, Noah.”

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