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That Night with the CEO

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“Are you sure? It’s your night.”

“My parents are standing on that stage together. You and I are doing the same thing.” He grabbed her hand and got up from the table, leading her up onto the stage. She stood with his parents as he took his place behind the podium.

Looking out at that sea of faces, he couldn’t believe how different this moment was from the one he’d imagined. “I’ll be quick because I know everyone would much rather dine on filet mignon than listen to me.” The crowd laughed, setting Adam more at ease. “I’d like to thank my father for his confidence in me. I’m excited for this new challenge and I won’t let my father or LangTel down.” Now he could believe the words, unlike the time he’d practiced this speech for Melanie. With great joy, he tacked on a sentiment that hadn’t originally been in the speech. “And as to the happy news my father mentioned, I’d like to announce my engagement to Melanie Costello. We’re looking forward to planning a big Langford wedding and spending our lives together.” Everyone clapped and Adam waved Melanie over, putting his hand around her waist. “With that, I’d like to thank everyone for coming. Please, enjoy the evening ahead.”

Several board members were waiting for them once Adam and Melanie stepped down from the stage. Either it was the somber news of his father’s prognosis, the fantastic job Melanie had done on the PR campaign, or renewed confidence in Adam’s abilities, but regardless, Adam received nothing but well-wishes from everyone he spoke to. It was such a relief.

After dinner, Adam took Melanie’s hand and led her to a relatively quiet corner. “How long until we get to leave and I get to peel that dress off you?” He was mentally exhausted, but he was sure he’d be able to muster all kinds of energy once he had her alone and naked.

She rolled her eyes adorably. “I think we should stay until midnight. Then we can go.”

Adam’s entire body warmed to the idea, and to the beautiful creature on his arm. “I’m guessing this was a little more than you signed up for.”

She laughed and straightened his tie. “This is a cakewalk compared to my family. Believe me.”

He took her hand, loving the feeling of the ring on her finger, knowing that it meant their future together was sealed. “The next year is going to be great, but it’s also going to be hell. We’re probably going to lose my dad and I’ll be trying to convince the board of directors that another change in CEO is a good idea.”

Melanie grinned sweetly. “And we have a wedding to plan, too. We’ll get through it all. I know we will. Together.”

“Tonight wouldn’t have been possible without you. Seriously. And we’ve got to put Costello Public Relations on the map. You need an influx of cash so we can hire some staff for you. Let you focus on what you’re so good at.”

“And what is that exactly?”

“Your mastery of the world of public relations. You’re the only person I know who could convince the world that I have a good side.”

“I’ve seen you naked, Adam Langford.” She nuzzled his neck, sending a jolt of electricity through his body. “Trust me, you have more than one good side.”

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