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Something So Right (Something So 1)

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We end up laughing the whole time, with Cooper telling us tales of the NHL, then Allison’s take on why men are stinky after hockey. James and Tiffany do stop by our table to say goodbye. Cooper takes the high road, which means he makes sure he has one hand on my neck while nodding at James.

We finally leave the restaurant with plans to come back again soon. When we make it home, Allison is half asleep, so Cooper carries her inside while I prepare her PJs for her to slide into, tucking her in with promises to make pancakes tomorrow morning after skating.

Matthew disappears into his room to play his video game, and Cooper leads me to the back yard to sit outside. He pulls me down into his lap, kissing my neck softly.

“See, babe, it wasn’t so bad,” he says, tucking my hair behind my ear.

“Only because you were there. My big hero.” I cup his cheek, leaning in, kissing his lips, my hair falling onto his face. “I’m going to have to repay you, but I’m not sure I know how.”

“Oh, I can think of a few things you can do for me.” His hand slowly makes its way under my dress. “I know Matthew is still up, so I’m just going to make sure you really are wearing those panties before I go.” Inching his way up, luckily we’re in the dark, so even if Matthew does come outside he can’t see anything. When his fingertips finally reach the satin of the underwear, I hear him curse.

“Baby, already all wet.” He rubs up and down.

“Hmmm,” I say, nodding my head up and down. I want to tell him yes, but it’s almost as if I’m in a trance.

He leans up, licking my bottom lip, slipping his tongue into my mouth, devouring me. Before it goes any more down the road. “Okay, I gotta go to bed. I have an early ice time with this NHL diva,” I say, walking him inside to the front door.

“Diva eh, I can guarantee you I’m no diva.” He grinds his erection into my ass, making me push back on him.

“Bye, Cooper.”

He kisses my neck. “Bye, babe, lock the door, yeah?”


“Pack that bag, babe.”

“Okay, honey.”

I close the door when I see his retreating taillights.

I make sure I turn off all the lights downstairs. Walking upstairs, I stop at Matthew’s door.

“Hey, you’re still up?”

“Um, yeah, I was just going to head to bed.”

“Did you pack your bag for Dad’s? I know you have your ice time tomorrow, and then you have a game so there isn’t going to be a lot of time between.”

He nods his head yes. “Um, Mom, how much longer do I have to go to Dad’s?”

“What do you mean, honey?”

“I mean, I don’t want to go there anymore. I want to stay here. The only reason I go is because of Allison.”

“Buddy, your dad will miss you terribly if you stop going there. Imagine me not seeing you. It would kill me.”

“I guess I’ll go. I had fun tonight, Mom. You think we can go back to the restaurant again with Cooper?”

“I could ask him and see what I can do.”

“Okay, Mom. I’m glad you’re happy now.”

“Honey, I was always happy.”

“No, Mom, you’re really happy now.”

I look at my boy, thinking he is growing up way too fast. “Matthew, you know we really haven’t talked about what is going on with Cooper and me.” I wring my hands, suddenly nervous. Why, I have no idea. It’s almost like I’m asking my parents for permission to be with him, and in a way I am. “This with Cooper and me, I don’t know where it’s going. I don’t know what tomorrow brings, but I know this. I smile more with him. I feel happy, I feel calm with him, but most of all I feel like myself. No pretending. No sugarcoating who I am. But I need you to know that if you or your sister are not comfortable with having him here, you need to tell me, and I’ll make sure we don’t stay here. This is your house as much as it’s mine.” I look at him, hoping he understands that I’ll never make him feel like he’s second choice to a man.

“Mom, he’s cool. I like him. In the end I just want you happy.” He smiles a crooked smile, showing me his one dimple. My boy is almost a man. “If he hurts you, I’ll kick his ass.”

I tip my head back and laugh. “I’m sure you could, and to answer your question I really am happier. Good night, baby. I love you.”

I think about how much happier I’ve been lately, and there is really only one reason. Cooper Stone. Which scares the ever-loving shit out of me. If there is one thing history has taught me, it’s not to count on happily ever after.

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