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Something So Right (Something So 1)

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“Lunch?” I don’t even think it came out as a question but more so an order.

“Sure thing. Meet you at Overtime at noon?”

“Yeah, perfect. See you there. It’ll be five o’clock somewhere, so prepare for booze.”

For as long as I could remember, every single one of my memories have Meghan in it. She is my go-to, my person. It also helps that she is related to me. She has no choice but to accept me for who I am. She has been there through everything. She helped me sew a voodoo doll when I arrived home from surprising James. I’m going to go out on a limb here and say it didn’t work because James still has his penis intact.

I pull into the parking lot of Overtime. I am over tired, grumpy, and fucking aggravated. After placing the phone call to Meghan, I had to sit down with my dad, informing him of the morning’s scene. I also went down to speak to Adam, making sure everything was okay. I was shocked to find out Cooper was so polite with him. Of course he was. He must be a chauvinist pig. Scared of my vagina?

I also spent a good amount of time stalking him on Google. I was looking for anything they had on him, which wasn’t much. He was completely off social media. He usually didn’t give interviews unless it was about the game. Not one picture of a girlfriend. Gasp, maybe he’s gay? What a fucking loss for the vagina team.

I walk in, taking in the regular people who hang out here. Larry, Curly, and Moe are all sitting at the bar. Okay, that really isn’t their names, but that is what everyone calls them.

Straining my neck left and right looking for Meghan, my eyes land on the blue ones from this morning. His baseball cap hides his hair. Honestly why, why the fuck is he here?

Now I’m stuck. Do I ignore him or be the bigger person? My grandmother and her manners are practically yelling at me in my head. I huff, head his way, hoping to finally spot Meghan, but all I see is him.

“I didn’t think you would socialize with the locals,” I say, trying to be funny and quirky.

“Funny how you made sure you’re on time for lunch.” His humor very dry.

I finally snap. “Oh, please, will you knock it off? I wasn’t late.” I don’t have to be nice to him when we are out of the rink. His lips curl up on one side like he’s going to smile, but he’s interrupted when Meghan literally throws herself in the empty chair in front of him.

“Hey, I didn’t know you were bringing a date.” She smiles and wiggles her eyebrows.

I want to reach over and smack it off her fucking face. “I’m not here with him…Meghan, meet Cooper Stone. Cooper Stone, meet my pain in the ass cousin. Also soon to be replaced best friend,” I say with my teeth biting together.

She reaches out to shake his hand. I’m waiting for her to be denied, because this man has no common courtesy. Shockingly he puts his hand out, smiles, and has the audacity to say, “So nice to meet you.”

I whip my head around so fast I may have given myself whiplash. “What the fuck is your problem?” I stare at him.

Meghan’s mouth hangs open. “Okay, how many cups of coffee have you had?” She turns her head to look at Cooper. “She is usually the social butterfly. She is probably having a bad day, excuse her.” She gets up, ushering me away from him before I say something else, shoving me into the booth.

“What the fuck was that?” she whispers.

I shake my head, proceeding to tell her about my morning run-in with jerk face. Rolling my eyes, I know it’s childish, but I don’t care.

She smiles at me like she’s a cat that caught a canary. “You like him.”

My mouth quickly shuts. “What did you just say to me?” My brows draw together in shock that she would jump to that conclusion. I’ve just basically told him to go fuck himself. Surely she knows the difference between flirting and hatred!

“You like him. You haven’t been that into someone since douchebag fucked you over.”

I stare at her, thinking I’m in some parallel universe. I’m watching the world go crazy. “Are you out of your mind? That wasn’t like, it was loathing. It was ‘I would rather cut my arm off and eat it before sharing a meal with him’.” Anger rises within me. I was supposed to be here with her drinking and making fun of him. Not discussing my lust for him! Wait a minute, I don’t lust for him. Jesus, I need to get laid.

Chapter Three

I pull up in my driveway just in time for Allison to get home. I look up at my beautiful cottage I fell in love with. It was the first thing that was ever just mine. It was my reward, my sanity. It’s nothing extravagant, but it’s mine. Four little steps lead up to my wraparound porch where a hammock hangs. Around the corner leads into the back where I spend many nights falling into the love stories on my Kindle. I also have two white wooden Klondike chairs that I put for the kids to hang out in. I have beautiful tulip beds that are placed just under the railing. I know they don’t last long, but they are my favorite flowers, and I have always loved them.

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