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Something So Right (Something So 1)

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“And on that note we see that the team is in breach of contract since stipulations were made and not followed through. Charles, I would hate to drag this into the courts.” Scott crosses his legs.

“Are you threatening me?” Charles asks.

“Call it what you want, but know that I have one year left on my contract. I also have a no trade clause, so I’m not going anywhere. You want to sit me out? Be my fucking guest. You want to buy me out of my contract? Fucking do it. But don’t fucking sit here and try to sugar coat this.”

“Okay, that’s enough,” Coach finally peeps in. “Charles, you start to push me, I’ll side with Cooper. This is fucking high school drama. We are sitting here because Monica fucked up, and you should be the first to see it. Are you really willing to put the team in jeopardy because she didn’t get her way?” Coach then looks at Monica. “This stops now.”

“Fucking right it does or else my ass isn’t getting on that ice.”

Charles gasps, and Coach smirks.

“I’ve had a shitty week, but deep down you know I’m the best there is. I’ve won some pretty big titles and brought you home a cup. I plan on bringing home one more, but I won’t even put the effort in if I know that you will let this go on.”

“Ball’s in your court, Charles,” Scott says.

“I’ll have everything cleared up right away. I don’t like it, I don’t agree with it, but I’m going to do what’s best for the team.”

“I also don’t want anything to do with Monica. You need something from me, get an intern to email me, call me. Whatever it is, she doesn’t come near me, she doesn’t call me, she doesn’t get to touch my family. I’m not fucking kidding. The minute I feel she is fucking with me, I’m out.”

“Okay, folks, this is over,” Coach says, getting up. “Cooper, see you tonight.”

Scott and I get up and head to the door, not even giving Monica or Charles a second thought. Once the door is closed, Scott turns to me. “Nice play saying you wouldn’t play.”

“Not even a joke. He’s fucked with the wrong guy. I will make his life hell if he doesn’t put a stop to her.”

Scott nods his head. “Looking forward to meeting your girl tonight.”

“Yup, supper after the game.” I turn and walk away, looking at my phone, and notice she didn’t answer.

Once I open the door, I see why. Knocked out on the bed, Kindle thrown next to her, my girl sleeps. Taking off my clothes, I sneak into bed with her. She’s wearing my shirt. My hand snakes under it, grabbing her breast. She moans and turns away. I pull her close to me, our legs intertwined, her ass spooned into my front and one hand still holding that breast. I close my eyes, taking me no time to join her in sleep.

Chapter Thirty-Four


The days fly by, the weeks are but a memory. We finally get into a groove I’m okay with. I have also put my foot down with the amount of time we spend apart. No more fucking two weeks without her. I can’t do it, and I’m okay with admitting it.

She has also been a fixture in the wives’ box, making many new friends. I hear from the other teammates that their wives love her. Makes me smile because my girl can rock anything.

Thanksgiving was three weeks ago. We played away that weekend, so Parker came with the kids so we could celebrate together. Best feeling ever is sitting down, finally being thankful for something.

I’m sitting at the counter, drinking my protein shake while waiting for Matthew to come in. My palms are sweating. I’ve got nerves in my stomach.

I hear the garage door open, knowing that it’s him. I breathe out and say a prayer.

Matthew comes in, dropping his bag on one of the stools, then goes to the fridge to either get something to eat or drink. He is growing like a weed these days.

“Did you have a good day at school?” I ask him, hoping he’s in a good mood for the talk I need to have with him.

“Mmm,” he says while biting an apple and chewing.

“Good, so I kind of wanted to have a talk with you.” I place my hands on the counter.

He just looks at me, pulling his eyebrows together in confusion.

“I know how much you love your mom. I know that you are protective of her. I want to help you with that.” I’m not even sure I am making sense, but Matthew has stopped chewing and is staring at me. “Before you say anything, hear me out. I love her. I love her more than anything. I love you, and I love Allison like you were my own. I’ve never wanted to be tied to a woman in my life.”

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