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Something So Right (Something So 1)

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I have a black cape that is wrapped around my shoulders in case it’s cold, but I’m so nervous I’m sweating.

When we get into his car, he looks over at me. “You really aren’t wearing anything under that?” The car’s not even started.

“Cooper, we are going to be late.” I look at the clock on the dashboard.

“We are not fucking leaving till you go inside and put something under that.” His body is turned in his seat, watching me. I mimic his stance, but because of the slit in the middle, he uses this to put his hand right up my dress. He’s met with the silk thong that I put on.

“Idiot,” I groan while pulling his hand out, reaching for my seatbelt.

I’m assuming he is all ready since he starts his truck and pulls out. There is no talking. I think we are both nervous. His hand is on my thigh, my fingers wrapped around his.

“Why are you so quiet?” he asks.

“I’m nervous,” I tell him. “I mean, everyone is going to know about the engagement. Are you sure you are okay with this?” I ask him, looking down at our hands.

“Never been more sure of anything in my life,” he states with conviction.

“Don’t leave me alone tonight, please. I mean, I know you have to socialize and stuff, but I don’t want to be left alone. Just in case.” I’m almost whispering.

“Babe, if at any time tonight you are not feeling it, all you have to do is say the word. We leave. End of story. No questions no nothing.” He pulls my hand to his mouth.

“Okay, Stone, let’s do this.”

“Okay, Mrs. Stone, let’s rock,” he says while pulling up to the valet. I’m not sure what I was expecting but a red carpet and cameras is not it.

“What the fuck is this?” I’m starting to get really freaking nervous. My heart is starting to beat a million times faster. My stomach is getting ready to barf up all those fucking mimosas. Why the fuck did I drink?

“Some of the sports networks always come out to take pictures, especially during this. Just breathe,” he says and then steps out of the car.

I mimic him. “Yeah, just breathe, babe, my fucking ass.” I snap my lips together, startled when the door opens and Cooper reaches his hand for me.

Grabbing hold of his hand, I fold out of the car, my black clutch held tightly in my left hand.

We make it two steps onto the red carpet when we are faced with about twenty-five journalists trying to snap pictures and ask questions. I don’t know where to look, but then Cooper drags me next to him, wrapping his arm around my waist, his hand settling on the small of my back very close to my ass.

“Smile, babe,” he says, then leans down and kisses my nose, making me smile. I look up at him, drinking him in.

“Yeah, yeah,” I say, almost sarcastically.

There must be about five hundred pictures of us by the time we are almost inside.

“They always interview you before you go in. Nothing big. I usually just do it for the kids.” He has me confused.

“What kids?” I ask.

“The cancer center for children. Tonight is all about them. It’s an auction night/Christmas thing to get more exposure for them.”

I suck in a breath. Oh. My. God. I don’t have time to think more about it because a microphone is shoved into Cooper’s face.

“So, Cooper, are you excited about the way your team is playing so far this year?”

“Yeah, I think we got off to a rocky start. Or at least I did.” He laughs. “But now that everything has cleared itself up, I think the team is playing its best hockey yet.”

“Any plans for the holiday? I know you guys have four whole days off. You must be happy to spend time with the family.”

“Yes, actually we have lots to celebrate this year. I finally got her to say yes, so we also have a wedding to plan.”


“You’re engaged? I’m very happy for you, Cooper. And you, future Mrs. Stone, you look amazing.” The reporter, who is about ninety years old, smiles at me.

“Thank you so very much. We are totally blessed to have found each other.” I don’t know what else to say, so I look down at my feet.

“Thanks, Eric. Happy Holidays.” Cooper smiles and pulls me away where we meet up with a couple of his teammates and wives/girlfriends.

After everyone has said hello to everyone, we make our way inside where it looks like a really white Christmas. White Christmas trees are lined up everywhere. The tables are all white with silver chairs and miniature Christmas trees in the center of the tables.

“It’s so beautiful,” I say while I reach out my left hand to grab a champagne glass that the waiters are passing out. I don’t even hear the gasp. All I hear is the shatter of glass from across the room.

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