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Something So Perfect (Something So 2)

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Yup, panties gone. Yup, I’ve lost my mind, and yup, I’m really hoping he has a lack of judgment right about now.

I turn to walk away, but his hand holds me in place, his head bending to kiss me on my lips, my lips accepting his. My lips tingle when he finally leaves. I grab my bag, going into the bathroom, collapsing on the back of the door. Closing my eyes, I still feel his hands on me. Getting up and regarding myself in the mirror, I see that my lips are plumper. I rub my fingers over them, still feeling his kiss. I wash my face, taking my makeup off, and applying my night cream.

After putting on my PJs, I close the light before I open the door. The room is pitched in darkness at this point, so I’m sure he’s gone to bed. Walking toward my bed, I see something under the covers—I see him under my covers.

“Matthew,” I whisper, putting my knee on the bed, but he doesn’t hear me. He’s long gone. His soft snore fills the room. His body finally gets the rest he needs. I get into bed with him. It’s a big bed, right? Wrong. The minute I turn on my side, he’s in the back of me. His legs intertwine with mine, his hand resting across my waist.

“Night, babe.”

I don’t answer him because the soft snoring starts again.

Chapter Nine


I’m walking down the corridor right after skate practice, holding two cups of coffee. It’s been four hours since I’ve been up and gone and I’m wondering if Karrie will even be in her room.

Last night’s kiss played in my mind all night long. After she walked in her bathroom, I undressed and decided I’d wait to get another goodnight kiss in her bed. I wasn’t counting on crashing. My body just gave up and sleep took over. I felt her come to bed, felt the covers move, felt the bed dip, my eyes opening just for a second to get her near me. As soon as my body hugged hers, I fell back into a slumber. In fact, I hadn’t slept that good in forever.

Then waking up and peeking over at her, her mouth was slightly open while soft snores came out of her. I was almost tempted to yank her into me, but I didn’t know how she would react to the whole I was in your bed last night. So I slowly climbed out of bed, my cock under protest since he felt her ass wiggle right before I moved away from her. Walking into my bathroom in my room, I took a shower and also took care of business in the name of a raging hard-on. Fuck.

Getting out and drying off, I walked to my bag with the towel around my waist. A look into her room showed me she’d turned over and that she was still sleeping. I grabbed my things for the gym and made my way downstairs for breakfast with Phil and then my first team practice.

Now here I am walking into my room, my eyes automatically going to hers. I see her sitting in bed dressed in jeans and a top, a book in her hand.

“Hey, babe,” I say, walking in, handing her one of the coffees.

“Um, hey.” She reaches for the cup while I go to the other side of the bed and sit down.

I kick off my shoes, looking at her. She has no makeup on today. Her feet are still bare, her toenails painted a light pink.

“What time did you get up?” I ask her while she takes a sip of her coffee.

“Um, about that, I think we should discuss what happened last night,” she says, putting the coffee on the side table next to her.

My eyebrows pinch together.

“I think we got out of hand with the whole kiss thing. It was an emotional night for you and we got swept away in the moment.”

“Swept away in the moment?” I ask, confused. “What the fuck does that mean?”

“Listen, I have a job here and I don’t want to be known as another conquest, so from now on—” I cut her off, raising my hand.

“From now on when I want to kiss you, I’ll wait till we are in private.” I nod at her. “I don’t want them to think this thing with us is just because of who your father is.”

Her body goes straight up stiff while she faces me. “Perhaps you didn’t understand. There will be no more kissing.” She tries to get off the bed, but my hand grabs her wrist before she can and then she turns to glare at me.

“And no more sleepovers. You get your bed. I get mine.” That’s the last thing she says because the next thing that happens is she is on her back and I’m on top of her. Her crystal blue eyes are a dark, cloudy blue.

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