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Tyson (Broken Hill Boys 4)

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The party rages on downstairs and considering that Jesse is probably still balls deep inside his girlfriend, it’s on me to get down there and make sure his home is still in one piece.

I spank the girl on the ass. “Alright, time to go,” I say, sitting up between them.

They adjust themselves and judging by the looks on each of their faces, I know exactly how this is going to go.

The wild one on my right instantly sits up beside me and dangles her legs off the side of the bed. “Thanks,” she murmurs, looking back over her shoulder with a grin. She bends down and finds her clothes on the floor as I scoot out of bed and I don’t doubt that within the blink of an eye, she’ll be out the door and ready for her next victim. She knows the fucking drill.

The other girl though, she sits up with a pout on her lips as I step into my jeans and start working on my belt buckle. “You don’t need to go,” she tells me.

“Sorry, babe,” I say, grabbing my shirt and pulling it over my head as the other dresses and begins searching for her shoes.

“Can I at least get your number?”

The wild girl chuckles before turning on the other. “Sweety, that’s not how this works. It was a little fun, and honestly, a guy who’s willing to fuck you like that and is so easily ready to include other girls is not the guy you want to be going after. Do yourself a favor, cross it off your bucket list and hold out for a guy who isn’t going to fuck you dirty in some stranger’s bed.” She looks to me with a cringe. “Sorry, no offense.”

I hold my hands up, grateful that she said exactly what I was thinking without making me the bad guy. “None taken.”

She nods before walking to the door and opening it wide, making the sounds of the party flow right through Tora’s old bedroom. “Excellent,” she says, looking back over her shoulder. “We should do this again sometime.”

She doesn’t wait for my response before walking out the door and pulling it closed behind her.

Well, fuck. That girl is a force to be reckoned with and one day, she’s going to make some guy an extremely happy man. I wouldn’t mind doing it again, but I have a feeling I’ll never see that girl again, though despite how much fun that was, I’m not exactly torn up about it.

I walk towards the door when I hear a squeak from the first girl and I cringe. How is it possible that I’d already forgotten about her? “So, I really can’t get your number.”

“Sorry, babe. She was right, that really isn’t how this works, but thanks. That was fun.”

“Uhhh, yeah,” she says, slightly confused, but I don’t hang around for more. I step through the door, leaving the girl to pull herself together.

I make my way back down to the party and find myself beelining for the bar. I grab a bottle of bourbon and start pouring myself a shot.

“Fuck, bourbon?” Jesse’s familiar voice asks from behind me. I look back over my shoulder to find him shaking his head in disappointment. Just great; a lecture. That’s exactly what I want after making stupid decisions. “Who’d you fuck this time?”

I shrug my shoulders as I scan the party and find the needy chick making her way down the stairs. I nod toward her. “That one and…” I continue scanning in search of the wild one.

“And?” Jesse cuts me off. “At the same time or have you just been really busy?”

“Same time.”

Jesse nods. He’s certainly no stranger to a threesome, but I’d dare say he hasn’t had the pleasure of having one in a while. “And considering you’re about to drown yourself if bourbon, I’m assuming it didn’t work?”

I shake my head, bringing the shot to my lips and throwing it back.

“Fuck, man,” Jess says with a heavy sigh as he helps himself to a beer. “You’re going to have to find a way to get over Bry at some point. She’s not fucking interested. She’s halfway across the country at Yale and will be for years.”

I groan, helping myself to another shot. Usually, the boys let me wallow in my own pity, knowing it’s a sore spot, but apparently, tonight Jesse actually wants to talk about the fact that I couldn’t close the deal with the one chick who actually mattered.

Brylee Fucking Anderson.

She was my fucking world. I was obsessed, in fact, I think I still am and over the course of my junior year, while the rest of our friends were coupling up, Bry and I fucked around and she was absolutely perfect. The only issue was that she wasn’t interested in dating, especially dating a junior who was only interested in fucking around and partying.

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