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Tyson (Broken Hill Boys 4)

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“Fuck, Court,” I say in a panic. “What would I even say to him?”

“I don’t know, Bry, that’s not my business. You’re the one who’s in love with him so you’re the only one who can answer that question. You know him best. All I know is that the longer you wait, the harder it’s going to be. You have to do it tonight, so get your ass up and out the door. I’ll book your ticket for you and see you at the airport.”


“I’ll text you your flight details,” she says cheerily, cutting me off and ending the call.

Well, shit. I’m going to do this. I’m going to go home and win him back.

I fly up off my bed, slipping my feet into a pair of shoes and grabbing only my phone, wallet, and keys. If Courtney is getting me from the airport then I’ll be able to steal some of her clothes and crash at her place, that’s if it all goes to shit, otherwise, I’d hope to be spending the night in Tyson’s arms. I don’t even care if we get naked, all I need are his arms around me and I’ll be good.

Jittery nerves pulse through me as I race out the door. I’m not a spontaneous person and getting on a flight to win back a guy certainly isn’t something that I’m prepared for. What the hell am I supposed to say to him? ‘Sorry for fucking it all up but I’ve changed my mind now.’

Shit, he’s going to think I’m a joke.

I get to the airport in no time and let out a shaky breath as my phone chimes with a message from Courtney. I go over the flight details and gawk at the screen when I realize that the flight is taking off in twenty-five minutes.

“Fuck, Court,” I grumble to myself. Couldn’t she have found a flight that gives me the slightest chance of actually making it on time? I have to get through the door, the line of passengers, get to the boarding gate, and then hope to God that I’m in the right place. I’m not great at airports. I find them more complicated than keeping up with Tora and Nate’s drama.

I get out of my car, slam the door, and run.

I can do this. By the end of the night, I’m going to be his girl…and if I’m not, then I don’t know what I’m going to do.

Chapter 12


We pull up at a party in Haven Falls and I look around. We’re definitely not in Broken Hill anymore. This place is fucking rough.

Jesse looks across at me from the driver’s seat of his Range Rover. “You good?” he questions as Kaylah leans into the front from her spot behind me.

“Fine,” I grunt, lifting the beer that I brought along for the ride to my lips. I finish what’s left in the glass and leave the empty bottle in one of the million cup holders in this car. I push my way out as Jesse cuts the engine and does the same.

He meets me and Kaylah on our side and we all walk across the road, more than ready to see what kind of treasure tonight will hold.

Jesse takes hold of Kaylah’s hand and tugs her into his side. “This party isn’t going to be like the ones at home,” he explains, pressing a kiss to her forehead. “Stay by my side. I don’t want anything happening to you.”

Kaylah’s face scrunches up as she looks to her boyfriend. “Are you forgetting who you’re talking to?” she questions. “I grew up at parties like this. I’m from here, remember? If anyone needs to watch themselves, it’s you two idiots.”

“What?” Jesse says, appalled. “I’m fine. I don’t need to watch myself. Everyone loves me.”

“Uh-huh,” she says with a roll of her eyes. “Just watch your pockets. Everyone here knows exactly who you are and what kind of money your family has. I wouldn’t be surprised if someone tries lifting your wallet or keys,” Kaylah looks to me. “Same goes for you, Ty. If you plan on getting wicked drunk again tonight, then maybe you should just give me your wallet now, save us all the trouble of looking for it later.”

I roll my eyes but nonetheless, I hand it over and she quickly slips it into the tiny little bag that hangs over her shoulder. I don’t know how she does it, any girl for that matter. They walk around with these tiny little bags and somehow fit absolutely everything they’ll ever need into them.

Jesse hands over his keys and wallet and before I know it, we’re pushing through the front door of one of the wildest parties Haven Falls has ever hosted. There’s a fucking glass bottle flying across the room and smashing into the TV while the music pumps through the house making the walls rattle. It’s the kind of party that should have the cops showing up and shutting it down, but something tells me that they’re going to be staying far away from this shit. This simply wouldn’t fly in Broken Hill. We’d have neighbor complaints and then receive community service until we’ve made up for our wrongdoings. Don’t get me wrong, our parties are fucking awesome, but this is just insane.

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