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Tyson (Broken Hill Boys 4)

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If only I could kiss her one more time. Maybe she’ll finally feel that connection and realize that she should be with me. Don’t get me wrong, the wild, spontaneous sex over the past year has been incredible, but I crave so much more with her. I want to be her man, and I want her to be proud to call me that.

Fuck, I’d give anything to have that. This bullshit has been torturing me for too long and I’m sick of diving into random pussy just to dull the ache. Surely, she must feel something for me, otherwise, she wouldn’t keep coming back the way she does.

Maybe I love her. I don’t fucking know, but what I do know is that she’s in my head and it doesn’t look like she’s leaving any time soon.

I pull up at the party and drive right up over the grass, parking next to Jesse’s Range Rover. There are people everywhere. It looks like the whole fucking college has turned up for this party.

As I get out of my car, I find Jesse and Kaylah making their way inside and I hurry to catch up with them. “What’s going on?” I say, throwing my arm over Kaylah’s shoulder as she allows Jesse to drag her through the door.

Kaylah beams up at me but her response is cut off by her glaring boyfriend. “Get your filthy hands off my girl.”

I smirk at Jesse and pull Kaylah in closer, knowing just how much the prick hates it. Realizing I’m in too much of a good fucking mood and that I’m going to challenge him on every little thing, he lets it go and continues his way through the party with us following behind.

The place is fucking packed. The furniture has been moved to the sides of the room, a keg sits upon the counter, and peoples’ bodies are packed in like sardines.

We’re hardly even through the front door when I start scanning for her. We find Jackson and Elle across the room and start making our way to them after stopping to grab a beer, but where is Bry?

I look back over my shoulder as we say ‘hey’ to Jackson and Elle when I finally find her out through the kitchen window. She stands among the girls, each of them with some ridiculous chick drink in their hands.

As if sensing me, she looks back and it’s fucking everything. The moment those deep blue eyes land on mine, warmth spreads throughout me. Without a doubt, she’s my girl. It’s been months since I’ve laid my eyes on this woman and I figured that the time away from her will dull this need within me, but I couldn’t have been more wrong. If anything, I want her more than ever before.

Desire pools in her eyes and has me ready to get my ass out there and make her mine, only in the space of two seconds, that desire morphs into something else; terror.

My brows furrow as I watch her and realize that she’s scared. She doesn’t want me near her and she doesn’t want to fall into that same repetitive trap. This is her warning to stay away and it absolutely guts me, but she should know by now that I’m not one for playing by the rules.

I raise my chin, ignoring her warning as a wide smile spreads over my face. I watch her go to mush and my stomach twists. I absolutely love her reactions to me, but it’s nothing in comparison to when I actually get to touch her. Though one thing is startlingly clear, you don’t look at someone and light up this way if you don’t have some sort of feelings for them, right?

Brylee is mine, it’s as clear as the sky is blue, but convincing her of that is something else entirely.

I hang out with the boys, giving her the space that she thinks she needs, yet I find it impossible to take my eyes off her. She does her best to pretend that I don’t exist, but every time her eyes meet mine across the room, she lights up like the most spectacular display of fireworks. It’s like an epic game of cat and mouse and I quickly realize that despite the countess parties Jesse and I have been to and had over the past year, this is by far my favorite.

She’s keeping her distance on purpose and it’s damn obvious that she won’t be making her way to me anytime soon. I’m more than happy to wait her out, knowing that at some point, she’ll drink enough and forget all the reasons why she’s trying to keep away, but I’d prefer her to have a clear mind.

To wait or to take a fucking shot? Yeah…I’m done waiting.

The second I take a step in Brylee’s direction; her eyes widen and her head whips back around to her friends. I grin as I watch her dancing and swaying that sexy body to the music, silently hoping that I’m not coming her way.

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