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Jesse (Broken Hill Boys 5)

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“Will you two shut up?” Jesse scolds, glancing back up at them. “I’m trying to save my PlayStation here.”

“There’s only one way for you to save this stupid thing,” I remind him, giving the PlayStation a wiggle while the muscles in my arm begin to strain.

“Over my dead body,” Jesse demands.

“Have it your way,” I tell him, watching him blanch as I pretend to drop the stupid thing.

Nate laughs. “I’ll make good with your brother if you throw it in.”

I glance up at him. I mean, I’m so down for Jesse to make this happen, but Nate making nice with Jackson would also be incredible. “Really?” I question, suspiciously. Nate nods and I give him a bright smile. “Okay.”

Jesse sucks in a sharp breath, knowing this time I won’t be fucking around. I bring my arm back and launch it forward, letting the PlayStation fly through the air.

“No,” Jesse screeches, throwing himself off the side of the pool towards the falling PlayStation.

Oh, Shit. Did I actually just do that? He’s going to kill me.

Jesse catches the PlayStation just as his body crashes into the water but he’s completely parallel, so no matter how high he reaches above the water, they’re both going down.

“Fuck,” Jesse roars as his body crashes down into the water. He holds the PlayStation up above his head but it doesn’t change the fact that water is currently rushing off both him and the machine. “You’re so fucking lucky that I love you.”

My eyes widen as I suck in a deep breath, watching him intently. Did he just say that? “You love me?” I breathe, feeling absolute joy begin to fill me as all thoughts of my brother are completely forgotten.

“Unfortunately,” Jesse grumbles with an eye roll, watching me closely as he tosses the ruined PlayStation aside and stalks forward. A smirk plays on his lips and despite being so fucking mad at him, I can’t help the butterflies that swarm in my stomach.

God, why is it so hot?

“Shit, Kaylah,” Tora yells in a panic. “Run.”

“No,” I say, watching him cautiously with a wide, excited grin. “He wouldn’t. He loves me, you know?”

Tora and Nate laugh before I hear the sound of Nate’s bedroom window closing. I guess I’m on my own for this one.

Jesse gets to the edge of the huge pool and presses his hands against the pavement. With one swift move, he lifts himself out of the water, not once taking his eyes from mine.

I take a step back. Maybe Tora was right. Maybe I’m not as safe from his wicked games and charm as I thought I was. Jesse gets to his feet and takes a slow, purposeful step forward, making me shit my pants. “Jess,” I warn.

“Kaylah,” he shoots back just as his eyes flame.

Oh, fuck.

Jess takes off and I squeal, darting around the pool in terror. Shit, shit, shit. What was I thinking of throwing his PlayStation in the pool? What a stupid move.

Jesse races toward me and with the sunbed sitting right in the middle of the pathway, I’ve backed myself into a corner. I can jump over it but there’s still a bit too much alcohol pulsing through my veins to be able to coordinate such a leap.

Jesse’s arm wraps around my waist as he catches me and hooks his other arm under my knees, pulling me up into his arms. I cling onto him knowing that without a doubt, I’m about to get thrown in the pool just like his PlayStation was.

Jesse proudly strides toward the edge of the pool as I desperately try to claw my way up his body, but his hold is far too tight and I’m locked in his embrace without a snowball’s chance in hell.

He grins down at me and not a second later, I’m screaming out as I’m launched through the air. I go crashing down into the cold water and swim up to the surface as fast as I can.

As soon as I break the surface, Jesse is crashing down beside me, sending a wave of water rushing over my face.

I hardly have a second to catch my breath before Jesse is grabbing me. He tackles me into the water and I bark out a sharp laugh, desperately trying to get away. His arms snake around my waist and as much as I want to win this, I also don’t want to break out of his warm arms.

He loves me.

Jesse takes pity on me and I wrap my legs around his waist while holding onto him. He grins back at me. “I can’t believe you threw my PlayStation in here.”

“You kind of deserved it,” I laugh. “You were being an ass.”

“And you weren’t?”

“I just want you guys to get along.”

Jesse drops his forehead to mine. “I know,” he sighs, giving in. “Can we just take it one step at a time instead of diving straight into the deep end?”

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