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Insatiable A Dark Romance

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His rough, lustful lovemaking has knocked the scab off my guilt and my shame and my fear and my remorse. He fucked me so hard I felt almost as though I left my body. He made every part of me sing with pleasure. I am soft and sore and wet and aching and I am so lost. I don’t know what to do.

I take a deep breath and try to compose myself. He looks so worried. The fact that he keeps looking for something physically wrong with me just makes me cry even harder. After everything, turning into this big sexy fuck monster, he still wants to look after me.

“If you don’t want this to happen again, you need to leave town,” he rumbles.


“I don’t have control of myself once it takes over. I want you. I want you more than I want oxygen. I will hunt you down and I will find you and I will not be able to stop myself from ravaging you again.”

He speaks the words roughly, as if he wishes they weren’t true.

I reach for him, my hands curling in his hair. It’s thicker than it used to be, longer too. This treatment is making every part of him ultra-masculine. I look into his eyes, blinking my tears away. I can’t let him think I want to leave. He’s branded me. He’s made every previous lover seem weak and flaccid and uninteresting. I can’t begin to imagine being with anyone else. Ever.

“I don’t want you to leave. I don’t want you to leave.”

We look at each other.

“Briarlee…” He draws in a deep breath. “I want to say I can keep you safe, but I’ve started this treatment and I’m going to keep going with it. Our studies suggested it takes thirty days to have full effect. It’s been less than a week. I could become much worse. I could present a real danger to you.”

“You won’t hurt me.”

“You can’t know that.”

“Yes, I can,” I say. “Because you’ve never hurt me, Daniel. Not once. Even when you should have. Even when…” I hold back tears. I don’t want to cry. That would be self-pity, and I don’t deserve pity. “You’ve never hurt me.”

His arms wrap around me. He draws me into the bulk of his body. I feel his strength. His size. I feel him. The Daniel I have always known. He’s in there, behind the cocky swagger and the sexy smirk.

“I don’t want to hurt you,” he says. “But I have to be realistic. The effects were cumulative in the rats. They peaked around the two-week mark. I could become aggressive. Sexually, and otherwise.”

“We’ll deal with it if it happens.”

“I’m not going to be that casual with you. I’m going to make sure you don’t get hurt.”

“I deserve to be hurt.”

“No, you don’t.”

He’s wrong. I deserve everything he’s done to me and worse. I deserve to be beaten. I deserve to be lectured. Shamed. I deserve punishment. But somehow, it’s always evaded me. They say karma catches up with everyone eventually. I don’t think it ever will with me. I don’t think karma has noticed me. I may as well not exist.

“I’m just glad you’ve stopped crying,” he says with a sexy smirk.

“Yeah, well,” I shrug and wipe my eyes on the back of my arm. “Will you stay tonight? Please, don’t leave.”

He kisses me. “I don’t ever want to leave you again.”

Chapter Eight


I wake up to find Briarlee nestled under my arm. She’s fast asleep. So trusting. So pure, so…

My cock is rock hard. I have to fuck her. The urge is almost irresistible. I need to be inside her. I need to feel her cunt stretching around me, gripping me. I need to feel those inner muscles holding me tight as I plunge inside her over and over again, driving her to a screaming climax…

“Morning,” she mumbles sleepily.

“Morning, sweetheart.” I drop a kiss on her neck and wrap my arms around her.

She curls into me, smelling so sweet, so perfect… I need to fuck her. I want this room to smell like sweat and semen, not sweet remnants of perfume and femininity.

Every moment I draw breath is a moment I have to battle with my animal desire for her. I am a brutal monster. I am…

“Mmmm,” she says, squirming her round ass not so innocently back against my erection.

I let out a growl that rumbles through the both of us.

It makes her giggle and squirm more.

“Stop it,” I say, putting one big hand on her hip.

“Or what?”

“Or I’m going to fuck you.”

She looks over her shoulder at me and gives me a slow, very deliberate roll of her hips. The beast is unleashed. I pull her panties down, push my cock up toward her cunt. I find her hot and wet, slick with the effects of some wet dream, perhaps. It’s fortunate for her, because I thrust my dick deep inside her, roll her onto her stomach, and start pounding into her as she writhes and wails beneath me.

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