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Insatiable A Dark Romance

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For now, she is silent and still in my arms. I curl up with her in the hollow of a tree and I sit there, knowing that the hunters are still out there. Knowing that they won’t care what they did to her.

She was so brave. She didn’t know what they were capable of. And now I don’t know what I will be capable of. I took almost a dozen doses as I ran. The surge made my mind vicious and simple, like an animal. It also made me too stupid to realize that they weren’t following the second path I was making, but the first path I’d made. It occurs to my slow brain that they’ll follow this one too. They’ll be here soon. They’ll see the blood. They’ll track us here like wounded animals.

I hear footsteps already.

They see me. Start shouting. I don’t move, so they come around the tree, a dozen guns pointed right at me. And then they see what they’ve done.

They look down at her broken, female, innocent form with horror on their faces. They’re idiots. They meant to bring me down, but they didn’t care what they did to her. Now they see her lying here, dying, they regret it.

I only have two words for them. Two words that matter.

“Help her.”

The leader takes out his radio. “Get the chopper in here now. We have one down. Repeat. We have one down.”

Chapter Twelve


I am so fucking horny.

That’s the first thought I have on waking. My pussy is wet and swollen. I can feel it between my thighs, begging for a dick. I try to push my hand down there, but I can’t. Something is stopping me. Something cold and metal and… I look and discover that not one, but both my wrists are chained to the sides of a metal-framed bed.

It takes a moment to realize that I am not in the woods with Daniel. I’m in a… hospital?

“Hello. I’m Doctor Stains. You were shot.”

Yes. Hospital. And worse introduction ever.

“You’re a soldier military person,” I note.

“Mhm, now, okay, you seem to be healing up nicely. Something to do with the medication given to you by Doctor Knight.”

“Who the hell is Doctor Knight?”

“Your companion.”

“Oh, you mean Danny. Where is he? And why am I tied up?”

“Well, ma’am. You’ve been in quite a state.”

“I was aggressive?”

“Not quite,” he says with a slight smirk breaking through his professional demeanor.

“Then why am I chained down?”

A faint blush passes over his features. His mouth opens and closes for a moment, as he tries to find the right words for what must be a delicate thing to say. “You were trying to, er, mate with passing men. And one woman. Then, when we contained you to the bed, you tried to, er… sate the urge yourself. We were worried you’d do damage.”

I’m not hearing a word he says. My eyes leave his face and go to his crotch. This craving is insatiable. Every part of me needs one thing: sex. I feel that as keenly as I have ever felt hunger. This is an appetite that must be fed.

“Where is Daniel?”

“He’s in another facility.”

“Take me to him.”

“I’m afraid I can’t do that.”

Now I’m horny and angry. It’s not a good combination.

“Calm down. You’re wounded. You were shot. We’ve sutured several holes in various parts of your stomach.”

I don’t care. “Take me to Daniel. Now.”

The doctor turns away from me to speak to the woman standing nearby. “Nurse, we’re going to need more sedative.”

So that’s what they’ve been doing. Knocking me out with drugs and keeping me prisoner here while somewhere Daniel is being held. Probably being tortured. Definitely being hurt. They’ve already showed they don’t really care about either one of us. They were happy to let me die if it meant getting to Daniel.

The nurse comes to the doctor’s aid with a syringe of something I’m sure will render me unconscious while they do god knows what to me. I will not lie here, a passive victim. I’m going to fight back. I’m going to make them regret the day they ever decided to come for us.

As the doctor approaches with the needle ready to stick me, I sit up and yank my arms toward my chest, away from the bars. The chain links of the cuffs snap like they’re made of crappy toy plastic. And then I am gone. Naked aside from the medical gown that flaps in the breeze as I run through the ward, shouting Daniel’s name.

“Tranquilizer! Tranquilizer!”

They’re shouting for something they don’t have. People try to tackle me on the way past, but they can’t hold onto me. They end up tearing the robe from my body, but I run on, entirely naked, looking for Daniel. Looking for my mate.

* * *


It’s dark.

Twinkle twinkle little star…

Pitch black.

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