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Insatiable A Dark Romance

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I hand her the vial. “You don’t have to drink this. We can stay here. It’s not good, but it’s safe. If we do this, we accept that whatever happens afterward is beyond our control. It could make us sick. It could…”

She uncaps the vial and tosses it down her throat.

Decision made.

I watch Briarlee carefully, worried that it could be too much for her to take. Her dose needed to be almost as strong as mine, and I can’t be sure of the effect it will have. She coughs and splutters, but she takes it down. I slide my hand under her wrist to detect her pulse, making sure it stays within the range of human potential.

After sixty seconds or so, she seems stable. Good. Time to take my dose. Like her, I don’t hesitate. There’s no point now. Now we’ve begun, we can only go in one direction.

The drug hits me like a freight train. The moment it finds my stomach, it begins to be absorbed. I have thirty seconds of full coherency to do what needs to be done, before full conscious control becomes a thing of the past, and I defer to pure animal instinct.

* * *

The fire starts in a room adjacent to my laboratory. Sulphur powder is ignited to create a dangerously potent blue flame that laps at the sets of cardboard storage boxes.

This place is wired with plenty of sensors, so evacuation is almost immediate.

“Let’s go, Doctor Knight! We have a situation!” Soldiers come immediately to usher us to safety, totally unaware that we are the danger.

Right now, Briarlee and I are doing one thing: working to contain animal impulse. Trying not to give away the fact that we are undergoing massive internal changes to physiology and psychology. My cock is already rock hard, my desire to take her is burning as hot as the fire that ensures we are rushed from the lab and whisked outdoors, past every single security checkpoint that would otherwise have kept us closely contained.

The small compound is in chaos as things start to explode, bright puffs of brilliant orange smoke leaping from the lower windows. Later on, they’ll discover that there’s relatively little damage, that charges were planted to simulate a near total meltdown, but not incur the costs or consequences—except in one particular laboratory.

I’m sure that the fire is consuming the remnants of my research. They won’t have Regenermax. They won’t get anything from me. Besides, the suits were right in the beginning. This is far too dangerous to unleash on unsuspecting citizens.

There’s a lot of shouting and a lot of chaos. Some of the scientists are very attached to their work. They’re fully prepared to rush into the burning building to save it. This is working even more perfectly than I had imagined.

We were prepared to fight our way through line after line of soldiers. We were ready to sell our lives dearly. In the end, we back our way through the panicked, speculating crowd, and into the tree line. All eyes are on the building. Nobody so much as looks at us.

I look at Briarlee. “Run.”

She doesn’t need any more encouragement. She takes to her heels, and her body becomes a bullet shooting through the mountain flora. I match her pace and together we flit between trees and over rocky outcroppings, heading ever deeper into the wild.

The enhanced dose has caused us both to gain more mass. It stresses clothing, and within a minute we have both ripped the cloth from our bodies and tossed it aside.

She gleams with sweat, her naked body both soft with curves and powerful with muscle. She has gained a full inch in height since treatment began. And she’s aroused. The slick insides of her thighs gleam as she pumps her legs, sprinting almost faster than I can. She’s smaller than I am. More nimble.

She’s fucking beautiful. I need to be inside her. I have to have her. The lust is rising and the beast unleashed.

* * *


We’re free. Even if they come for us. Even if they try to capture us, it doesn’t matter, because in this moment, we are absolutely, utterly free. My heart sings, my senses so keen it feels as though the world has burst into some new kind of color. Everything is brighter, more detailed than it was before. As I run, I see the way the petals of leaves curl and unfurl in the sun. I spot birds sitting in trees, their feathers iridescent and shining in the light. We are running from the military, but I don’t feel like I’m fleeing. I feel like I’m flying through a world that is finally mine to enjoy with Daniel by my side. Every single second is precious.

The bullets will soon sing out around us. Maybe they will find our flesh. Maybe they will find something more vital. I hope they do. I hope this is the last thing I ever experience, this glorious flight for freedom, where nothing matters but the man by my side, this great powerful beast who has always been by my side, who has never abandoned me.

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