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Instinct A Dark Sci-Fi Romance

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I lie there against his body, still impaled, feeling his cock sheathed inside me. It was all so sudden, and yet now I feel much of the tension I felt earlier gone. I am his. He is not going to choose one of the huntresses over me. But…

“You have been with those women? You did to them what you just did to me?”

His eyes were closed, but one opens to look at me with piercing blue.

“You have many questions.”

“So you did. You fucked them. You came inside them.”

“No,” he rumbles. “I did not spill inside them. A man only spills inside his chosen mate.”


He lets out a chuckle and pulls me down on his cock. He is still hard, though his lust is no longer as urgent.

“This is yours, my star girl,” he says. “You will feel this cock and only this cock.”

Chapter Eight


I wake up, expecting to find my star girl by my side. Instead I find the soft hollow in the furs where she lay. I let out a groan even as I catapult out of bed and head out the door. A mother is planting seeds in the garden nearby. She points wordlessly up the mountain without me needing to ask the question.

“Tselia!” I call for the girl using the name she told me.

I am forced to track her like an animal. She headed up into the hills, I think, following the stream. It’s a smart move because her footprints are only just barely visible in the occasional place where her foot went into the mud.

She is naked and unarmed in the wilds. I can see her bare footprints, her toe prints moving over the rock and dirt. The weather can change swiftly on the mountain, and there are predators. I keep my eyes peeled for traces of blood. That is what I fear the most.

I don’t see any blood, thank the ancestors. I do see a trail going through the bushes, broken twigs and grass that has been pushed over. I follow in her footsteps, wondering why she has gone this way. It’s almost as if she’s following a path. There’s nothing random about her wandering.

I begin to move quickly. I know where she’s going. There is an ancient site up on the ridge. I don’t know how she knows about it. I don’t know why she’s gone up there, but I know that’s where she’s gone.

I run up the mountain, moving up the rocks and the crags. It’s not an easy path. There are places where she could have fallen. With every step my anger grows.

I find her at the ridge peak. She is waiting for me. She must have heard me coming. I expect her to try to run and hide, but she stands there, arms crossed over her chest. She has an elegance that I admire, and a spirit that shines as bright as the stars she came from.

“I’ve been waiting for you,” she announces.


I close the distance between us as she reaches out and touches an old piece of ancient technology. It’s one of many artifacts that litter these mountains.

“I wanted to look at the stars. And then I found this. It’s a cannon.”

“It’s old. From the ancestors.”

“It’s been fired. Recently.” She wipes black soot from inside of the barrel and shows it to me on the tip of her finger. Her silver eyes glow with accusation. “I thought I crashed. But I didn’t. I was shot down.”

* * *


I woke up in the middle of the night. I’d been addled with the events of the past few days, but my mind finally had a chance to rest and process everything that has happened. The orgasms, the captivity, they threw me off-guard. I lost my objectivity. I lost my mind.

But when I woke up in the middle of the night, my head was suddenly clear. My body ached, but my brain was working properly for the first time in forty-eight hours. The sex hormones had been sated and I was no longer in his thrall. He was asleep. He was nothing more than a big slumbering beast who had held me captive and denied me all my wishes.

And I was angry.

I had figured it out. The moment I started to fall from orbit, I knew, but I didn’t know I knew. It all happened too fast. I was too busy trying to contain and control my descent. I didn’t have time to process the rest of what I felt and saw.

Shuttles don’t just fall out of the sky. Something hit me. I was brought down. My subconscious knew that. I started walking because I had a hunch. And that hunch led me to an old weapons battery. It’s not professionally installed. It must have been pulled off the original ship and brought up here as a defense.

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