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His words are insulting, cruel, and correct. I’m not all I could be, but I am all I am, and what I am is… a waste. I’ve always known it, at the back of my mind. I’ve always felt a lingering sense of guilt for how much easier my life is than everyone else’s. There are people with problems in the world, but I’m not one of them.

Until now.

Now I have a real problem. Now I am a captive. Now my father’s estate is at risk. Now Darko could take everything I took for granted away from me. I could lose everything. I might have already lost myself.

“You grew up sheltered. You never knew what it was to be hungry, or to be worried about a roof over your head. You got everything you ever wanted handed to you.”

“I’m spoiled, I get it.”

“No. You’re worse than spoiled. You’re broken. Useless to yourself, or anyone else. But I’ll find a use for you, Chloe. I’ll give you work to do. You’ll learn the value of a day’s long, hard labor.”

I am about to call him a very rude name, but his fingers slam into my pussy, two of them pushing deep inside me and all I can do is gasp as he fingers me roughly in the bath, the water splashing over the edge of the ceramic as my thighs part to allow him even deeper.

If this is punishment, I want to be bad.

“You fucking… asshole.”

Asshole is as far a title from Master as I can get in that moment. I know he’s going to punish me for it.

I don’t have to wait long.

He pulls me out of the bath, his big hands digging into my damp flesh as he bends me over the ceramic and for a second time his cock plunges deep inside me. I gasp, shocked by the sudden sex. I don’t know what I was expecting him to do. Something else. Not this. Something more subtle, maybe, but I’m learning that Darko is not subtle. He is swift and he is brutal.

The wetness of my pussy sounds lewd as the bathwater laps around my breasts. I reach out to grasp the other side of the bath, hoping to keep my head above the water, but occasionally it dips lower and then my face is submerged as his powerful dick slides in and out of me, pleasuring me and punishing me at the same time.

In between the thrusts, his palm slaps my wet bottom, harsh and hard.

“You need to behave yourself, Chloe.”

“I was behaving myself!”

“You called me a name,” he says, his hand underneath my throat, gripping and keeping me in place. His hips surge up to my ass, his cock buried deep inside. I am dripping with bathwater. I am moaning with pleasure. This is absolutely decadent. I am being thoroughly used—and I love it.

I come and come again. My body reacts to him like a drug, my hips ride forward, and my clit finds the relative cool of the porcelain and I rut myself there, my cunt squeezing his cock with a desperate, basic need.

Come inside me. Fuck it. Just fill me up. Make me yours. Make this real.

The thought keeps running through my head, but he doesn’t, of course. He is too careful for that. He is not caught in the same desperate sexual abyss that I have fallen into. I am clutching at every little piece of pleasure as if I am afraid it will disappear at any moment—because I am afraid it will.

He comes on my ass and back and then he puts me back into the bath and bathes it all off me again, washing every drip of cum from my skin until I am pink and clean and ready for use again. I have stopped resisting now. My sex aches in the best of ways, and my mind is blissfully empty. I finally understand what it means to have my brains fucked out.

“Time for you to get some rest,” he says, helping me from the bath and wrapping me in a large, soft towel. Ensconced in warmth, I close my eyes and I pretend that this isn’t happening the way it is happening. I pretend that he is a real lover and that I am still an innocent heiress, happily enjoying my life.

I let him lead me from the bathroom without resistance and back into his bedroom. The cage awaits.

If I were in my normal frame of mind, I would look at it with horror. I would panic and I would protest. I would beg for his mercy and promise anything not to be put inside. But now, in this void of feeling, I can’t bring myself to care.

Darko leads me into the cage and I go. The door closes behind me and I am trapped, but no more so than I was before I walked into the cage. No more than I have been my entire life.

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