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A Rule Worth Breaking

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It had been an amazing night. She had not only overcome her trepidation at singing in public, she had really begun to live her dream. She was bursting to talk to Lia and tell her all about it. Up until just a moment ago she’d wanted to shout out her news to the whole world. I did it! I really am a singer in a bona fide rock band! But now, as she gazed anxiously back at Rick, she felt as though someone had got a pin and deliberately popped her balloon.

‘There’s nothing going on between me and Jake other than him looking out for me and helping me settle in…with the band, I mean.’

‘We can’t afford another screw-up after the Marcie debacle. If you end up walking out on everyone because you got too involved with Jake then it will have serious implications for the band. I don’t think they deserve that after all their hard work…do you?’

‘No. Of course I don’t.’

Caitlin knew what Rick was saying was only right, and she had no intention of letting anyone down. Just because Jake had put his arm round her when she’d come off stage and bought champagne to celebrate it didn’t mean that the man was any more trustworthy than Sean. She had already intuited that f she had a physical relationship with him then her heart would seriously be at risk—because any woman with an ounce of common sense could easily see that he wasn’t the type of man to commit to anything more meaningful. And Caitlin wasn’t the type of woman to be intimate with a man and then forget it…as if were no more important than a trip to the hairdresser…

She lifted her chin. ‘Don’t worry, Rick. I promise you that the band comes first. Besides, I’m not looking to get personally involved with anyone.’

Liar. Nobody wanted to be alone for ever. And she wasn’t the only girl in the world who hoped to find love again after the heartache of a failed relationship.

‘Then we understand each other?’ Rick reached out his hand to wipe away a raindrop glistening on her cheek.

‘Understand what, exactly?’ a deep male voice intoned.


JAKE HAD WALKED UP behind them. Straight away you could have cut the tension with a knife. Caitlin found herself wishing she hadn’t agreed to stay the night at his flat. If it was going to make things this awkward between the two men, then she’d see if she could locate a cheap hotel for herself.

When neither she nor Rick rushed to answer his question, the glance he gave them was searing.

‘I said, understand what, exactly? We’ll stand here all night in the rain if we have to, until I get an answer.’

Rick hefted a sigh. ‘Okay, Jake, if you really want to know then I’ll tell you. I was warning Cait about getting personally involved with you. Just a few weeks ago Marcie walked out, leaving us high and dry. By great good fortune and the gods of rock and roll we found Caitlin. The last thing we need is to screw up the band’s chances because she might get hurt by you and end up leaving the band.’

‘I won’t leave the band—I told you!’

Exasperated and embarrassed, Caitlin wanted to shake Rick. Did he really think she was so naïve that she’d risk the fantastic opportunity she’d been given to sing with the band in favour of a fleeting romance with Jake? As far as she was concerned she was in Blue Sky for the long haul, whatever happened.

Jake also looked exasperated. ‘If there’s anything personal between me and Caitlin then that’s where it stays…between the two of us. We’re both agreed that the welfare of the band comes first. I’ve been in this business long enough to know where my priorities lie. Now, it’s been a long night, and Caitlin ought to get some rest if she’s going to give another good performance tomorrow.’

‘Under the circumstances, perhaps she’d better stay at my place instead?’ His jaw clenched, Rick defied the taller man to give him an argument.

But Jake wasn’t having any of it.

‘I’ve given you my decision, and as far as I’m concerned it doesn’t need debating.’ With a ferocious scowl he grabbed the car keys out of Caitlin’s hand and shouldered past her.

She stared at the other man. ‘Why did you have to go and say that?’

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