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A Rule Worth Breaking

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The mere thought undid Jake. Within seconds he was thrusting even deeper, whispering against her ear how beautiful she was, how perfect. Then his own desire and need reached its crescendo and he was swept away on a cascade of a joy so fierce and so perfect that he had no words to describe it. In fact it stunned him to silence.

His blue eyes glittering with feeling, he manoeuvred himself carefully to lie down beside her and with his fingers gently traced the exquisite line of her jaw. ‘Caitlin?’


Jake was stroking her ear, securing a silken strand of long ebony hair behind it. Gazing back into the incandescent eyes that looked like bewitching green fire, he silently acknowledged that he’d never experienced such depth and strength of emotion lying with a woman before. He only knew that he had the sense of feeling strangely privileged.

‘I think you’re the most beautiful woman I’ve ever known.’

Even as his words lifted her spirits higher than they’d ever been lifted before, Caitlin was already missing the warm heavy press of his body. She wanted to tell him to come back, to love her again and never stop… Only the icy fronds of harsh reality swept through her like winter just then.

She thought, But he doesn’t love me, does he? All we enjoyed together just now was great sex.

The fact that she’d never even got close to orgasm with Sean, and that more often than not she’d seen to her own needs after the event, would hardly register with Jake. Besides, a properly committed relationship wasn’t what he was looking for, was it? They both knew that. When he stopped desiring her body Caitlin would just have to learn to concentrate all her energies on her singing and view him solely as Blue Sky’s manager.

Could she do that? Could she cut off her emotions so easily when what had just taken place between her and Jake had been nothing less than earth-shattering? Her whole world had been utterly changed forever. Did he realise that just the merest touch from him was enough to set her on fire, to make her need him as much as she needed to breathe?

Glancing back into his steady blue gaze, she wondered how it was possible for a man to have such luxuriant long lashes and still be so incredibly masculine. Perhaps it was the hard, lean jaw, with that slight indentation in the chin, or was it the exquisitely shaped mouth with the slightly fuller lower lip? A mouth made for passion…for the erotic pleasures only shared by lovers.

Of course it went without saying that Jake must have had a few of those…perhaps more than Caitlin cared to know about. Right now the thought of even one was enough to make her heart jolt sickeningly.

‘That’s high praise, coming from a man like you,’ she answered, affecting a light, breezy tone to shield her true feelings from him.

He frowned. ‘What do you mean, a man like me?’

‘I just mean you must have known many beautiful women. I won’t kid myself that I’m particularly special.’

Now his handsome visage looked perturbed. ‘Hey. Why say that? Don’t you know how much pleasure you’ve just given me? You mesmerise and intoxicate me, Caitlin. Sharing what we just shared was beyond wonderful.’

Caitlin couldn’t help but smile—even as she came to a distressing conclusion about what she had to do for both their sakes.

‘Thank you. I’m glad you think that. I thought so too. But now I think we should both come back down to earth, don’t you?’

Lightly removing Jake’s hand from where it lay across her stomach, she rolled over and leant down to pick up the clothes she’d discarded on the floor.

‘Where do you think you’re going?’

He sounded surprised, upset. Not immediately answering, Caitlin stepped into her panties, then got to her feet. She hurriedly pulled on her T-shirt and quickly got into her jeans, sensing him watching her broodingly.

‘Are you going to tell me what’s going on? Why the sudden urgency to get up when we can take our time? We can stay here all day if we want. There’s no hurry.’

Combing back her hair with trembling fingers, she turned to face him.

‘I suddenly came to my senses, that’s all. Hopefully, now that we’ve got this out of our system, we can get back to normal and concentrate on work. I think we should both ensure that what happened between us won’t happen again, Jake. From now on our relationship should be strictly about the band. Now that I’m clear about our priorities I’ll go and get a quick shower and then make some coffee.’ She started to move towards the door.

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