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A Rule Worth Breaking

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When she was almost there she stopped and stared at him with desperation in her eyes. Jake opened his arms. In less than a second she’d closed the space between them to bury her face in the warm, musky scent of his T-shirt, registering the strong, steady throb of his heartbeat beneath the steely hardness of his chest. His hands fisted into her hair and he pressed her even closer against his body. Her heart was racing harder than it had ever raced before.

‘Jake? Jake, I—’ Raising her head, Caitlin stared into his smouldering gaze, want and need clawing at her as she registered the pure raw desire in his eyes.

Planting his palms either side of her face, he slanted his mouth hotly across hers to steal a hungry kiss that left them both stunned. With a groan she invited another kiss, her tongue intimately dancing with his, savouring the seductive flavours of bourbon and coffee and the hot, drugging sensuality that was uniquely Jake. Her hands slid down his back and lifted his T-shirt eagerly to trace the hard ridge of his spine with her fingertips. She was weak with wanting him, and when he backed up against the wall and deftly turned her in his arms, so that she took over his position, she allowed him to do it without so much as a murmur of protest.

‘You know what I want to do?’

Her eyes widened in shock as well as anticipation as he expertly relieved her of her robe, then started to undo the buttons on her pyjama top.

‘What?’ Caitlin’s voice was a barely-there bedroom rasp, because what Jake was already doing to her with his strong, sure touch and his drugging, sexy voice was nothing less than X-rated.

So much for years of trying to convince herself that her sex drive was low! Right now she didn’t know how she wasn’t just ripping his clothes off and taking what she wanted without hesitation. With a soft whimper, she briefly closed her eyes as he divested her of her top and feasted his hungry glance on her bared caramel-tipped breasts.

‘I want to take you right here…and I want it to be hot and slow and deep…until we both go out of our minds with the pleasure.’

Even as Caitlin’s heart beat wildly in her chest Jake lowered his head to claim her breast, drawing it deeply into his mouth. Bucking against him, she drove her fingers into the silky strands of his hair, crying out as ravenous need spiralled from her breast to her womb. He suckled and laved, teasing her rigid nipple with his tongue, then took her deep into his mouth again, his unshaven jaw sliding roughly cross her more tender skin, abrading her, marking her with his brand, leaving the trail of his scent all over her. Then he applied the same treatment to her other breast.

She was still quivering when Jake released her throbbing wet nipple and moved back up her body, with the wickedest smile she had ever seen. His pupils darkened to black as he settled his hands on the waist of her pyjama bottoms. With a firm tug, the silky fall of material shimmied down to her ankles. Her cheeks flushing heatedly, Caitlin watched him retrieve the protection he’d brought from his back pocket.

Her gaze immediately gravitated to his belt. He opened it to let his trousers slide down over his thighs and reveal his boxers. He loosened them, then ripped open the foil packet that contained the protection. He sheathed himself and Caitlin released a long, slow breath. Sliding her slender arms round Jake’s neck, she pressed her body ardently against his. Immediately his hands moved to settle on the silky curve of her bottom, skimming her flesh and then pressing and kneading it until she was weak with want—until she thought she might die if he didn’t take her soon.

Then he ravished her mouth again, before trailing hot damp kisses across her cheeks, her forehead, her eyelids, his clever hands stroking her body well past the point of no return, moving deftly to cup her in her most feminine place. Caitlin couldn’t help but whimper his name, her lips pressing into the juncture between his neck and shoulder, kissing the warm masculine flesh with growing desire, taking lascivious little nips with her teeth…

Her body was primed to accept him. She knew she could no more prevent this act from reaching its logical conclusion than deny herself breath. Jake might be wary of commitment and find it hard to trust, but right then she impatiently pushed the thought aside—because she was greedy for his loving and would take anything she could get…rightly or wrongly. She would enjoy this time with him and revel in it. Revel in the fact that she was a sensual, desirable woman and that Jake was the only man in the world she wanted as her lover.

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