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A Rule Worth Breaking

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‘Don’t get cute with me, Jake! Just answer the damn question.’

With a terse shrug, the other man folded his arms. ‘Yes. Caitlin and I are having a relationship. But don’t start jumping to conclusions. It doesn’t mean it’s going to impact negatively on the band.’

‘Is that right? Then how come we’re at loggerheads? Answer me that. How long have we worked together? It’s been a long time, Jake. In all that time we’ve barely had an angry word—and that’s something in this business. Damn shame it has to happen now…and all because of a woman!’

‘And just what’s that supposed to mean?’ Stooping down to climb off the stage, Caitlin dusted her hands and wiped them shakily on her jeans. ‘In case you hadn’t noticed I’m a person—just like you are. What is it with you and women, Rick? You like us well enough when it suits you, but something tells me you’re deeply suspicious of our motives. Just to reassure you—I have no hidden agenda, and neither have I any intention of leaving the band. That being the case, you have no reason to doubt me. When I give my word, I keep it.’

‘Right now, honey, it’s not your word that I’m concerned about.’

‘Okay, Rick… If you want to discuss this any further then you’d better meet me back at the hotel when we’re finished here. I’m not prepared to stand around and lock horns with you when we’re already eating into valuable rehearsal time. The band has a performance to give tonight and that’s priority number one.’

With a brief glance down at his watch, Jake turned his attention to Caitlin.

‘I want you to pull out all the stops tonight,’ he told her. ‘I didn’t tell you before, because I didn’t want to make you nervous, but there’s going to be an A&R man from one of the big labels watching the show tonight. I can’t make any promises, but if you and the band impress him enough there’s a real possibility of getting a record deal. Kenny Swan knows that I don’t back losers, and his interest has been snared by footage of you and the guys on social media over the past few nights. I’m counting on you—so don’t let me down.’

Dumbly, Caitlin nodded. The possibility of the band gaining a recording contract so soon into their tour was nothing short of amazing. Yet right at that moment it paled into insignificance next to her unquenchable longing to be in Jake’s arms.

She was relieved that he’d openly admitted to Rick that they were intimate, and she wanted the chance to show him that what they felt for each other could indeed flourish into something meaningful and lasting if they trusted their feelings and gave it a chance. At least now there would be no need to hide the fact that they wanted to be together, and she could really put her heart and soul into her singing.

Jake smiled. ‘Work hard and I’ll see you both later. I have a couple of important calls to make.’


Suddenly finding her voice again, Caitlin stopped him in his tracks as he strode towards the back of the venue. Her anxious glance encompassed a scowling Rick as he leant back against the edge of the stage.

‘I don’t want you and Rick to fall out over this. My commitment is first and foremost to the band. I know you know that, but I just wanted to reiterate it.’

Jake’s expression was as implacable as ever. ‘I’m glad to hear it. Just concentrate on giving your best performance tonight and we might all come out on top.’

And with that he walked away.

* * *

He had the worst headache in living memory. The pain was so intense it had sent him hurrying down the narrow streets at half past five in the afternoon in search of a chemist.

Holding the packet of painkillers just a few minutes later, Jake ripped out two white tablets from the foil strip and swallowed them down with a warm can of cola. Grimacing, he threw the barely touched drink into a nearby wastebin and, biting his lip against the merciless throb in his temple, returned to his hotel.

Bolting his room door, he drew the curtains shut tight to blot out what was left of the daylight, then threw himself down on the bed and stared contemptuously up at the ceiling. One thing was certain…he couldn’t go on like this. He only suffered migraines this bad when he was pushed into a corner, and his head was letting him know that right now he was probably jammed into the tightest corner he’d ever encountered.

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