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A Rule Worth Breaking

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‘Hang on a minute, Lia, I—’

Caitlin was cut short when the blonde hurried down the steps and pushed her aside to plant herself in front of Jake. With her hands on her hips, she proceeded to tell him exactly how she felt.

‘She broke her heart over you last night, Jake Sorenson. She cried like the rain. I’ve never seen her cry like that since she was with Sean—and he took her for a ride too, making promises he never intended to keep. I told her you’d break her heart. Well, I hope you’re feeling proud of yourself. And then, if your own conduct wasn’t bad enough, you go and leave her in the clutches of that middle-aged Lothario, reeking of enough cologne to sink a battleship! Thank heaven I was with her last night or God only knows what might have happened. If you and he are an example of the kind of people in the music industry then Caitlin would be better off singing at our local pub on a Saturday night. At least she’d be safe.’

Shock jack-knifed roughly through Jake at the thought that he hadn’t protected Caitlin when he should have, and regret that he’d caused her even a moment’s pain. He could see how the situation must appear to Lia, and he’d be the first to admit it didn’t look good. It was a crying shame that his reputation preceded him, because no matter how he behaved he was damned—in the blonde’s eyes at least And Kenny Swan’s conduct didn’t exactly create the best of impressions either.

He fixed the girl with a steely glare.

‘Please don’t slot me into the same category as Kenny Swan. At least spare me that particular insult. I assure you that Blue Sky won’t be dealing with him again. More to the point, I’ll ensure that Caitlin deals with someone else at the record company. There are plenty of genuinely good people who work there. As for the rest—I think that’s between Caitlin and me…don’t you?’

‘Caitlin?’ Her brown eyes glinting like a protective mama bear’s, Lia folded her arms and looked round at her friend for confirmation.

Caitlin nodded. ‘I’d like to have a few minutes alone with Jake. I think it’s needed.’

‘Just as long as you don’t let him persuade you to do anything you don’t want to do. You’ve got free will, remember? You got over Sean and you can get over him too.’

With a warning glance at a bemused Jake, Lia sprinted back up the stairs and went inside the house.

‘Does she always behave like an aggrieved matador about to pick a fight with a bull?’ he asked dryly.

Caitlin’s smile was tentative. ‘For some reason she’s very protective of me.’

‘I’m glad.’

Although in future Jake wanted to be the one doing all the protecting. He knew that now—knew it without a single doubt. The thought was exhilarating…like a hang glider hitting a warm air thermal. All he had to do now was convince her that he was in earnest.

‘Will you come back with me to the hotel for a while? I’d really like to say what I have to say to you in private.’

Smoothing her hand down the front of her raincoat, Caitlin sucked in a steadying breath.

‘I have something I want to say to you too, Jake. But I’m not waiting until we get back to your hotel. It’s better said out here, in the open. You’ve told me that I’m important to you, but the truth is…the truth is I don’t know if I can be enough for you.’

She swallowed hard, her cheeks glowing a little with embarrassment.

‘What about the next pretty girl who becomes infatuated with you? You like your lifestyle just the way it is. You don’t want to commit yourself to one person and I don’t want anything less.’

There…she’d finally said it. She’d put her cards on the table and the consequences be damned.

‘Is that what you think? That you’re not enough for me?’

To Caitlin’s consternation, he laughed out loud.

‘I don’t know if I could handle you if you were any more woman than you are already, but I’d willingly die trying! What’s all this talk about not being enough? Caitlin, you’re my fantasy come to life—my most heartfelt dream come true. Why would I be remotely interested in any other woman? It’s true that there will always be pretty women in this business, but that doesn’t mean I’ll be remotely interested. Why would I if I have you? In any case, most of my time and energy goes into my work, and that’s the way I’ve wanted it…up until now, that is.’

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