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Avoiding Responsibility (Avoiding 2)

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I had some great reviews last chapter from Cupid's Psyche, total romance., misatok123, and nadinesmith. Thanks you guys rock!

K.A. Linde


Happy to lay here

Just happy to be here

I'm happy to know you

Play me a song

Your newest one

Please leave your taste on my tongue

-Joshua Radin "Paperweight

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Chapter 4: September Eleven Months Earlier

Lexi couldn't remember the last time she had been surrounded by so many people when she wasn't out clubbing. It wasn't entirely unpleasant being surrounded by a sea of faces that she didn't recognize, however, the accumulated wealth in the vicinity was astounding. Expensive tuxedos, silk formal dresses, and hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of diamonds were just a few of the things that tipped Lexi off to the extravagance amongst the people in the ballroom…if the ballroom itself didn't tip her off.

She knew she should have expected something like this. In fact, Chyna had warned her that her father did everything all out. She had even warned her that it might be more extravagant than normal because it was both a huge event for her father and Chyna was going to be in attendance. Chyna swore up and down that her dad always overdid things when he knew he could rub something in her face. Lexi wasn't sure if she bought that. She didn't have any personal experience with step parents, but she was sure some of this affluence had something to do with her soon-to-be step mom.

Lexi was dressed the part in a floor-length plum dress with tiny spaghetti straps. Her back was almost completely exposed and her new, shorter, hair was swirling around her shoulder blades. Even in a pair of Chyna's Manolo heels, she was a head shorter than most of the people in attendance. This was due in large part to the number of fashion models circulating the premises.

For the first time, Lexi was beginning to realize that Chyna actually held back in her lifestyle. All of the redecorating, clothing purchases, and manicure/pedicures were on the low end of the extravagance that she could have indulged. She had never imagined this possibility.

"You look nervous," someone said coming up behind her and placing a comforting hand on her shoulder.

Lexi twirled around, a little jumpier than she had even thought she was, and stared up into the handsome face. "Adam!" she cried surprising him by throwing an arm around his neck and pulling him into a hug.

"Hey, woah, calm down," he said extracting her arms from around him and taking a step back. "I can't play a convincing boyfriend if you've got your hands all over me."

A blush crept up on her cheeks and she added an extra step backwards just for good measure. "Sorry to pull you into this whole thing," she muttered eyeing him up and down in his expensive tux.

"Hey, glad I could help," he said sliding one hand into his front pocket.

Chyna sure did get lucky with the type of person who had decided to save her from the scumbag who had drugged her. When he had first helped her out, Lexi hadn't even noticed how attractive he was. Now that he was standing in front of her all cleaned up, it was hard to ignore the way his dark brown eyes seemed to light up and his dark blonde, almost brown, hair curled lightly at the edges. He was really tall, but then again everyone was tall in relation to Lexi.

Most of all she liked how put together he appeared. He had the same air that he had while being in Chyna's apartment – cool and confident. Lexi could admit that it was endearing.

"Well you're more than helping," she finally muttered glancing away from him. "And anyway do I really look nervous?"

He laughed at the nervous face she flashed his way and nodded. "Just calm down," he said offering her his arm. She placed her hand gingerly on his black suit and allowed him to escort her to the refreshments table.

"Why are you so calm? Did you see who just walked by?" she asked trying to keep from staring at the platinum blonde celebrity who had just passed them.

He handed her a glass of red wine as he took his own glass of scotch on the rocks. "They're just people. You can't forget that fact. As soon as you do, you get that look on your face," he said pointing at Lexi's star struck expression. He took a swig of his drink and smiled as she immediately closed her mouth.

"They're just people. Right," she muttered following his lead and indulging in the alcohol presented to her. She needed to loosen up a bit in order to get through this night.

Lexi still couldn't believe Adam had agreed to play Chyna's boyfriend. They had known each other less than a week and had only hung out twice, outside of the unusual circumstances that surrounded her drugging. After Chyna had found out what he had done for her, she had insisted on doing anything she could to thank him. Just like that night, he had refused any payment whatsoever for his help. He swore that he would have done it for anyone if they had been in that situation.

Chyna hadn't been able to let it go though. She had coaxed him into going out to dinner with her. Though Lexi guessed it hadn't taken much coaxing. From there they had seemed to hit it off really well, and she had invited him to come to her father's engagement party. Chyna had neglected to inform him that he was doing her a huge favor and Lexi had accidentally spilled the beans by asking him how he felt being a fake boyfriend for the night. After they had explained the situation, he had come around to their side, but now they owed him two huge favors.

"Where's your faux boyfriend anyway?" Adam asked scanning the room.

Lexi sighed wondering that same thing. After her call of desperation, Lexi had spoken to Ramsey pretty frequently. She had admitted to him that she was terrified of relationships after having such a rocky past in that area, and they had agreed on some boundaries before his arrival. She wanted to make sure that she knew what she was getting herself into before he showed up and, no doubt, swept her off her feet.

This arrangement had somehow ended up with him meeting her at the party. Now she was just anxious to see him in person. It had been so long since she had left him all alone on the tarmac with just enough hope to keep him interested. She hadn't been sure that she would ever call him. Even though she did have some measured interest in him, he wasn't Jack.

That fact alone had a tendency to make her completely lose interest in everyone else. Yet, Jack was exactly who she had walked away from. He was who she had left behind. She couldn't have Jack anymore, if Jack had even ever truly been hers.

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