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Avoiding Responsibility (Avoiding 2)

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"You are talking about people I care about Seth. You should watch what you are saying," Ramsey tried to remind him. He hated the way Seth referred to Lexi as if she were just meat. He talked about her and Jack as if they were inevitable, as if she had no choice in the matter. He couldn't let that be the case. And listening to him talk about her that way was only getting him more fired up. "You are telling me that Jack is going to cheat on my sister with the woman standing before you just because they have a history?" Ramsey asked in disbelief.

"If he hasn't already," Seth said scoffing. He was so certain of his deduction of the situation; he couldn't even see the effect he was having on the both of them. Or if he did, he didn't realize the significance of what he was ensuing.

Lexi, however, saw what was coming before it happened. Ramsey couldn't let his comment stand. The same thought had crossed his mind too many times, and she knew that he couldn't stand hearing it from one more person.

Ramsey cleared the distance between them in a split second hoisting Seth up by his shirt one more time. "Do not ever imply again that Lexi is a whore or that Jack would be stupid enough to hurt either one of them. He knows what I would do to him if that day came," he snarled.

"Ramsey, put him down," Lexi cried guilt washing over her at the fact that Seth was right. Jack had already cheated on Bekah with her. They had kissed several times, and then that dreadful decision to sleep with him on his birthday. She had let those things happen. Not that she could tell anyone that fact. If he chose Bekah, then by all means let him have her. She was bound and determined not to get in the way again. "People are coming over here," she said nodding her head towards the approaching bouncer.

"Alright man sorry. It's the alcohol talking," Seth muttered running his hand through his hair when Ramsey finally put him down.

"Is there a problem here?" a bouncer asked getting in Ramsey's face.

"No," Ramsey said flashing his pearly white teeth. "In fact, we're perfect. We'll be leaving shortly."

"Make it sooner rather than later," the man said menacingly before turning, walking a safe distance away, and staring at the group.

"Charming individual," Ramsey mumbled before turning his attention back to Seth. "Now stop changing the subject and tell me why you called me. Where is Jack?"

"So yeah about that," Seth said scratching the back of his head. "He's probably just in one of the back rooms where we sent him off about thirty minutes ago."

Ramsey took two big deep breaths trying to calm down his beating heart. He wanted to erupt. He wanted to unload every single angry feeling into pummeling this guy's face. He wasn't sure if he'd be able to contain himself under present circumstances. "You are saying…that Jack…is here? That Jack…is fine?" he asked through gritted teeth.

"Yeah," Seth mumbled looking away from Ramsey's angry gaze. "We just wanted you out with us. We know you said you had business to take care of, but we thought you'd be back out here with us having a good time already."

"Seth, I could kill you," Lexi said smacking him on the shoulder. This was completely typical of something he would do. He was only thinking of himself. He didn't care what Ramsey reaction would be or the consequences could be.

"Oh do it again," he moaned commenting on her less than playful smack. His arms came up to circle her waist again, but the look on Ramsey's face made him discontinue his efforts.

"Let's get out of here," Ramsey said latching onto Lexi's elbow and ushering her towards the exit. She stumbled under the weight of his grasp, but he held her up as she scurried helplessly attempting to keep up.

"Come on man, don't be like that," Seth said rushing behind them. Hunter and Luke were close on his tail after realizing that they were going to leave after all the effort it had taken to get Ramsey here in the first place.

"Yeah Ramsey, you can't leave now. You just got here," Hunter called after him.

"Don't you want to be involved in Jack's bachelor party?" Luke asked.

"This is just ridiculous," Ramsey said stopping to face them. He didn't want to be scrutinized for his decisions. All he wanted was to be back in Lexi's bed picking back up where he left off. Now they had all ruined that opportunity for him for no reason.

"It's not that ridiculous. We skipped out on Vegas for you. We only came to New York based on your request. Then you don't even come out with us," Seth complained. "That's pretty f**ked up."

Lexi's eyes shot to Ramsey. Coming to New York had been his request? This had nothing to do with Jack. If Jack had it his way, he would be in Las Vegas right now partying it up like the guys Hangover. He probably hadn't even considered Lexi in this decision.

A part of her was relieved that this had nothing to do with Jack. She couldn't handle him right now. She had been having a hard enough time getting over him, and now she was dealing with everything with Ramsey. However, that wasn't completely her feelings on the subject. Her heart had been through the shredder too many times to count, and she still had a small bit of hope left in her. She didn't like to admit. She certainly didn't like to think about it. But Jack had been her everything. Even after all the terrible things that had happened between them, she still couldn't look past the tiny piece of hope she'd kept locked away.

Of course, she kept it pushed back so that it wouldn't hurt her. She had tried to get over him the past year, and with Ramsey's help, had been mostly successful. That didn't change her desire to see him or that hope that maybe one day things could work out.

But it was impossible.

She knew that after what had happened in Atlanta between them they weren't meant to have a fairy tale ending. Giving another girl her engagement ring, whether it was a duplicate or not, kind of solidified their involvement with each other.

"You wanted to come to New York?" she breathed. Ramsey's hand was still attached to her arm, and at her words, he broke contact with her. His gaze swept to her, but he couldn't place the look on her face. He didn't know if she was happy or angry about the fact that he had switched her kinda-ex-boyfriend's bachelor party to New York City so that he could see her. It wasn't something he was exactly proud of, but he had needed to see her. It had been a month and he was missing her terribly. The quick change had been an abrupt decision, but the guys had gone along with it. He hadn't anticipated Lexi ever finding that out. He was kind of afraid to know what she was thinking.

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