Avoiding Responsibility (Avoiding 2) - Page 70

Standing in front of her was a girl who, at first glance, was so similar to Lexi in appearance they almost could have been related. Her brown hair was long and wavy, but clearly she put no time into the maintenance of the locks. Beautiful brown eyes stared back at her, but they were slightly tainted by the dark circles under her eyes. Her pouty lips had a light smear of lip gloss across them, and otherwise she was devoid of make-up. The major difference between the two was the contrast in complexion. Where Lexi had a perfectly bronzed tan, this woman had milky white skin with only slight olive undertones. She wore white linen pants and a brown bikini top, and she was absolutely gorgeous.

Lexi was eye level with the girl as she approached, and she couldn't keep her mouth from dropping. She had never met anyone so similar to her. As she drew closer, Lexi realized that her face was shaped a bit different – more round than heart-shaped. Her nose was turned up slightly at the end where Lexi's was just a little button. She had a slender figure, but she was clearly built different than Lexi. She didn't have the lean muscles cultivated from gymnastics, pilates, and dance. Rather, she had an athletic build of a swimmer or soccer player. Though her hair was just about the same length, it didn't have the body and volume Lexi was so accustomed to dealing with.

Despite these differences, the resemblance was uncanny.

"Ramsey, wow, I couldn't believe that was you. What are you doing here?" she asked smiling up into his shell-shocked face.

Lexi hadn't noticed at first that Ramsey looked so surprised, because in fact she had been just as surprised at the sight of this woman. Now as she tore her eyes from the woman, she noticed just how dumbfounded Ramsey appeared. His mouth was hanging slightly open. His eyes were completely focused on the woman in front of him and nothing else. His hands were clenched in fists at his side. She wasn't sure if he was more in shock or anger at the visage before him.

"I…um…I'm on vacation," he said tentatively.

"Oh! I'd almost forgotten that you love these beaches," she said her smile lighting up even further. "It must be nice to get away from the club for awhile and enjoy the sun."

Lexi's head snapped from Ramsey back to the woman in front of him. She knew about the clubs. She knew that he liked these beaches. Who was this woman?

"It is," he agreed gulping hard.

"Are Brad and Jason with you?" she asked still not taking her eyes from him. The ease of the conversation on her end was evident.

How did she know his roommates? Not that anyone couldn't know his roommates. But she had never seen this girl. She had never met this girl, for sure. She had never heard mention of her. She certainly would have remembered someone who looked like her.

"Yeah they're inside," he said jerking his head towards the bar.

"That's great. I was fortunate enough to get a stint of my residency down here. The hospital has been keeping me up all hours of the day, but I'm almost finished so it's been cutting back some. But soon I can move back home," she said dreamily.

"Your parents must be thrilled about that," Ramsey said wistfully.

Woah. Lexi's body kicked into overdrive once again. Did he just say her parents? Did he know her parents?

"They are," she agreed a cute smile creeping up onto her face. "Look about the wedding…I'm trying to get your dad to lay off."

Lexi's mouth dropped to the ground at that statement. What wedding? Was she talking about Jack's wedding or had Lexi just lost her mind? And how was she involved in this wedding? Clearly they were acquainted with each other's parents, but Lexi just couldn't bring herself to put pieces together. She had no recollection of a person in Ramsey's past who could have this much knowledge about him. Did she really know that little about him?

Ramsey had the good sense to cut off that line of conversation. "It's fine. I already told him off."

"Maybe we should talk about this," she said reaching her hand forward, then thinking better of it, and letting it drop to her side.

"No really, let's not," he said cutting her off.

The girl's mouth strained around the edges at the abrupt statement. "Well I'm going to be there regardless. So we should figure it out sometime. It's not like Bekah is just going to let this all slide."

There was Lexi's confirmation. She couldn't believe this. This girl was somehow involved in Bekah and Jack's wedding, and Lexi had no idea how. Not that she really had ever wanted to know the details of what was being planned. She hadn't. But she would have wanted to know who this woman was, and how she fit into the whole scheme of things.

Seemingly realizing for the first time, that Lexi was being ignored, she stuck her hand out in front of her. "I'm Lexi, Ramsey's girlfriend. And you are?"

The girl turned her head to the side and glanced at Lexi. She could tell that the woman was having the same wave of emotions flow through her body. The resemblance between them was uncanny. "You're Ramsey's…girlfriend?" the woman asked looking between Lexi and Ramsey in nearly a state of shock. "I didn't realize that he had a girlfriend."

Lexi tried to hide her embarrassment at having that statement repeated to her after the humiliating scene in Bridges Enterprise when dozens of other people had said the same thing. Whoever this woman was…Lexi was pretty sure she wasn't going to like her. "Uh…yeah. That would be me."

The woman slid her hand into Lexi's and seemed to examine her closely. "Well then, it's a pleasure to meet you Lexi. I'm Parker."

* * *

K.A. Linde


Memories can fade

But my heart has a place

For the smile on your face

And maybe someday

We can be more than friends,

Love will find us again.

-Britney Spears "Autumn Goodbye

* * *

Chapter 13: Present

Lexi couldn't hide the guilt that was written all over her face. She hadn't done anything, but just that fact that she was with Jack was bad enough. Sure she had resisted him this time around. She had told him off and kept him at a distance…well as much of a distance as she could with Jack. However, the knowledge that he still got to her after everything was infuriating. Of course, Ramsey was the last person she had wanted to witness them alone together, but she couldn't think of anyone else who would be happy about the situation either. She could just hear Chyna's disapproving tone if she knew what Lexi had gotten herself into.

Tags: K.A. Linde Avoiding Erotic
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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